DeltaCAD Drawings For Blender Projects

The Camera Image.

Initial File Startup had Grey Background with Grey Gridlines in X2:Y1 Rectangular Grids.

After looking at the Edit Mode & Object Mode versions of the Grid, the Camera View had Grey Background and Yellow Gridlines in X1:Y1 Square Grids.

The Edit Mode & Object Mode images of the Grid is of Yellow Gridlines in X1:Y1 Square Grids.

The Render Image after looking at the Edit Mode & Object Mode Grid had the same Gridline Thickness Error as my first Render Image.

When I made my most recent Posting of the Render Images, the Render Images didn’t have the Gridline Thickness Error; thus, I edited in the “?What?” section.

I just made a Legal Paper & Letter Paper Printouts of the Render Image, there is no Line Thickness Error; and, no Grid Spacing Error; and, the Gridlines come out as Black Lines; and, not as White Lines.

Wait a minute…I need to check the Lamp Position. Also, the Lamp may be set at R=0,G=0,B=0 Energy=0. I typically use these Lamp Settings for the Lamp in my other Blender Project.

Lamp Settings were all 1s; and, in “Point” Mode.

I relocated the Lamp to where the Camera is; and, put the Lamp in “Sun” Mode.

I am not getting a Blue Background with White Gridlines outside of the Render Images.

go to n panel display section and set the hidden background !

should bring it back on blue

happy bl



happy bl

I don’t have that Option Feature.

What version of blender are you using,it should be there by default.

Version 2.72

I see that Version 2.73 does have that feature.

?Is it an Add-On for 2.72?
If so…?Where is it located?

I just may have to Update my Blender.

What I am thinking of doing is creating a Second Grid with a Different Spacing Scale and Overlaying, or Fusing, the two Grids to create Thick Lines and Thin Lines within the Grid Area.

?Do you think that would work?

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An alternative method would be to create a Second Grid with a Different Spacing Scale and Different Transparency Settings; then, Overlaying or Fusing the two Grids.

I don’t want to get too carried away with the Transparency Thing on the Grid System; because, I am thinking that when I am Creating Objects, I will also be setting up those Objects as Transparent Objects during the Creation Process.

okay…Jonathan Williamson’s “Creating A Cool Blueprint” isn’t what I am looking for.

I was trying to duplicate that Tutorial to learn how to use Blender better; specifically, to learn something about making Visual Grids in Blender.

I need an alternate tactic for the Grid System & Usage that I am thinking of.

As I said in a previous Posting, Jonathan Williamson’s “Creating A Cool Blueprint” is a good starting point.

I am thinking “Grid System As Background Image” isn’t the way to go for what I am wanting.

However, with my current Blender Projects, I am not as dependent upon the Grid System as I am with my DeltaCAD Projects.

so…I am trying to get a Full Screen Render Image of my Grid; but, this is what I am getting as my Render Image.

I opened the Left-Hand Panel to see what its contents were.


“Epic” by ?(I don’t know the group’s name)?

I have done Full Screen Renderings before; and, even made Printouts of them.

?Control [F3]?
?Which Blender Window Mode do I have to be in to do the Full Screen Render Image?


I don’t use the Full-Screen Render Feature often.

Don’t use it…Lose it.


This is an old Printout of an old Render Image.

The issue I am having here is that the Grid System isn’t 1/4" to the Paper Edge; but, is about 1" from the Blue Background Edge.

The Blue Blackground should represent the entire Paper; or, the Printable Portions of the Paper.

In this case, the Paper is USA Legal (8-1/2"x14"); thus, the Printable Area should be something like 8"x13-1/2".

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?Does that have something to do with these Arrowed Features?

?Does it have to do with the Actual Camera Dimensions?

?Does it have to do with something else altogether?

?Does that have something to do with these Arrowed Features?

From all these posts I still don’t really know what you are trying to achieve but some things that may help

If you want to print to a specific size you may find the ‘Render to Print’ addon useful

If you want to have the grid object completely fill the camera then you could use the following
If you want the proportions of a USA Legal size (21.6cm x 35.6cm)
Make the object dimensions the same ratio, such as X = 35.6 and Y = 21.6 (landscape)
If you select the camera and in its properties change it from a Perspective camera to a Orthographic camera and set the orthographic scale as the same as the objects X dimension (35.6), the object will fit perfectly in the camera field of view. If you increase the camera orthographic scale you will get a border

Post #5 is the 2D Model that I have.