Demo Performance Thread

You may have seen my FPS/Puzzle project, which was posted a while back. I’ve finally gotten to a point where I can release a simple walkthrough of a single level in my game project. The purpose of this thread is for me to get performance feedback from the community so I can optimize it to meet the needs of the majority of the people here.

The demo can be downloaded here:

If you would like to help me out, please post your system specs and framerate here.

Edit: Sorry I almost forgot the screenshots! Also, this is a bit unstable. It may crash! (I think it has to do with the shooting)

I get about 55 fps, plus it crashed on me after about 5 seconds

I’d say something isn’t set up properly or effeciently enough becasue I should be getting better than that from a scene like that I think

Edit: it looks awesome by the way, but it crashes for me

Edit #2: Errr maybe my computer farted or something; my harddrives almost full… the 2nd try it runs 60+ fps and no crashing. - Also, people should try sky diving on this level its fun

Edit #3: It looks like you won’[t be able to release this game until after the Ogre engine is put into place, because if you place any kind of enemies who are also THINKING and ANIMATED and MAKING BULLETS :wink: its going to really slow down the default GE I think.


X2 Opteron 2.0
2gig RAM
7900gt overclocked

Im impressed with the detail. Looks nice… No crashes… 20 most of the time… X2 1.6 gzh with 1 gig and 256 shared to video laptop

i have around 50-60 fps on my laptop with a intel celeron m 1.4ghz, 512mb ram, and a radeaon x600 mobile with 64 mb

That’s truly impressive work!

I tried with 2.42a and recent CVS. Both ran around 60 fps. The interesting thing was that I couldn’t get it crash on CVS. On 2.42a it crashed really fast when shooting.

System specs: Pentium M 725 (1.6 GHz), 512 MB RAM, ATI Mobility Radeon 9700 (64 MB), Ubuntu (Edgy Eft)

I’m getting around 15 when staying at the start position. The framerate increases to 20-23 when staying outside looking to the left or right plattform or beeing there. Its dropping to 16-18 when looking over the middle. 30 when you jump to the ground.

I have a 2.6G with build in Graphics (intel) at 1280x1024.

Looks cool.

I had between 90-320Fps and it crashed about after 7-9 min
my computer is a Pentium 4 2.4Ghz 1 gb RAM and has Radeon 9700 Pro and I´m using
Windows XP Home Edition version 2002
hope that helps

Nice work, framerate is about 75 on radeon 9600xt.

intel P4 2533mhz
512mb DDRAM
Radeon 9700 Pro
Windows XP
Blender 2.43 post RC1 preview14 by Erwin
Min FPS 38
Max FPS 60

Hope that helps :smiley:

It’s all so colorfull.

Nice work.

~100 fps with P4 3 GHz, Radeon X800XL Blender 2.42a. Crashes Blender 2.42a & 2.43 preview 13 after shooting some time. Anyway, nice graphics and smooth play.

Thanks for all the input guys, I see that most people here are getting decent framerates, which means it’s okay to go on with animated characters.

However, this project is going to go on hold (i promise not to abandon it) for the bullet physics contest coming up soon. I’ll work on it a little more until Erwin releases the registration information, and after that i’ll have to put this on hold for the duration of the contest.

I hope I at least make the top 10. There are some very talented artists to compete with here. wish me luck = )

Venom, great work so far. I get between 8 and 18 fps on a P3 733Mhz with 384MB RAM, Intel 815 series integrated graphics card (4MB VRAM I think) on Win 98SE. For my PC, this is incredibly smooth performance (I have to run in 16-bit color to get this “fast” fps, though). The game only crashed once on me, and that was after at least 3 minutes. I played it several more times for over 5 minutes with no errors or crashing.

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P3 lol - i respect that

you’ve got more than enough cpu to power the space shuttle back in the day

I get around 70-180 fps.


Blender 2.42a(Didn’t crash when i played it)

Sempron 1.5Ghz
1GB RAM 400MHz
Geforce 6 6600 256MB

Ran smooth, although when you put enemies in the level it could slow down, depending on how you setup the enemies.

I think I’m being mocked…

Solid 60 FPS. 120-200 when all frames enabled.

on my p4 3.ghz 512 ram. I was getting 30fps…

Unless I shot, then it went to about 50…then it crashed…

90 FPS solid

below 100 in the beginning and in all the house-like areas, in the open I got well over 100.

3.0Ghz, 2GB RAM, Radeon x600.