Democracy at work... finally...

I generally like to go to the BBC News site for news and world events (I can’t stand American media reporting, and I’m American!) and found this story:

Wow! What a field of contenders for the Presidency! I’ve never seen so many hopefuls for the office of President (I remember JFK as a young kid so I’ve got a few years behind me). Of course, the field will be narrowed to the individuals selected by their respective political parties for the final race.

But what’s really cool is that it’s not going to be a “cut and dried” choice this election. This election doesn’t necessarily have to be a choice of, as my friend Wes puts it; “an evil of two lessers”. All the potential candidates have fairly diverse backgrounds, both ethnic and otherwise. The ensuing debates should (hopefully) raise questions that the American People want to address. Not just the Iraq War and the juggernaut of Big Business themes that have so far dominated our politics… but more humanitarian issues as well. (Ok, so I’m an idealist, but I can hope can’t I? )

It should be an interesting couple of years here in the States. :yes:

Thanks a lot for the link! It’s a very interesting read and explains clearly. It’s nice to see change :slight_smile: And I agree, the next following years will be very very interesting (and in France too, Belgium…well not really XD)

Obama or McCain:

My wihs list though…

Bill Cosby, Will Smith, Billy Graham’s son (forgot his name), or Me

There is nothing particularly outstanding about the number of canidates. It’s just about always been that many or more who ‘try to get the nomination’. Then of course it’s basically narrowed down to 2 major canidates and 1 guy who runs in order to force the other two canidates to take up some of his issues ie. “broaden the discussion” - the way that Ralph Nader did.


As soon as discussion gets to soapboxing it’ll be locked.


Whatever happens politically, I hope we can bring about peace with nations in the middle east someday.

oops, I didn’t know that was soapboxing - it’s kind of a fact. I wasn’t putting a positive or a negative on it. Just analyze the situation…

also… freedom of speach?:spin:

Edit: Would it be ‘soapboxing’ if I’d said

“Bush got put into office because of morality voters?”

The rules say:

Politics, political expression and political propaganda are considered inappropriate.

  • An exception may be made, after group consideration, to allow content in such forum as is deemed appropriate

The original poster seemed serious enough and there was no reason to just shut this down. I edited your post because we all know already what happened, how it happened and how the two different sides feel about it. It’s just so old and so unnecessary; it invites a counter response that eventually spirals it’s way down to a locking.


Wow, lots of people want to live in the shiny white house with the big front yard.:wink:

More on topic, though, this will be my first presidential election to vote in, so this could get interesting.:smiley:

I’m thinking we should all vote for the guy who’ll bring world peace, put an end to hunger, and make us all filthy stinking rich in the process.:evilgrin:

With the current economical trends, everyone getting filthy rich will most likely be followed by a huge depreciation of currency as people would be willing and able to pay much more for exclusivity and prestige, thus ending in everyone being dirt poor again.


That aside, it’s really interesting to see the right wing dirt machine start flinging crap around two years before the election. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of them are already crapping their pants, hopping the current administration doesn’t make them look too bad for the remainder of their time in office.


wow you must be afraid of conflict or something a@_@p

I mean, the country was founded on arguments and discourse I see no reason to stop it now

I hope humanity hasn’t ‘evolved’ that much

and also, I just simply disagree, it wasn’t argument bait - morality voters are proud of what they’ve done;)

Whoops, did I say “world peace”?:eek: That’d be too boring, because it’d take away all the material for war movies, and historical first-person shooters.:wink:

With the current economical trends, everyone getting filthy rich will most likely be followed by a huge depreciation of currency as people would be willing and able to pay much more for exclusivity and prestige, thus ending in everyone being dirt poor again.
Well, how about making just me filthy stinking rich, then?:eyebrowlift:

There is nothing particularly outstanding about the number of canidates.
Perhaps not the number of candidates, but their backgrounds… the wife of a former President, an African American, a former Speaker of the House, the former Mayor of New York… along with a Right Wing “Hawk”, a previous Presidential contender and a relatively unknown Kansan…:confused:

It’ll be intereresting to say the least.:eyebrowlift:

BTW, My apologies to the mods if I posted inappropriately and thanks for letting it remain open… :o

what most of you don’t know, is that i’m also a candidate for this upcoming election. additionally, i’ve been to every single rally. in case you didn’t see me, i’m always the guy in front, throwing the streamers and acting all excited. i find that a presidential candidate should be cheerful and energetic:D, while simultaneously remaining serious and focused:ba:. so, come Nov. 2008, vote for me, 'cause i’ll make everything good again, by getting rid of congress and the senate, and have everyone be represented by themselves on a massive political forum, where there will be public polls for new laws! yay!

but really, i don’t think there’s any real way the next presidency will suck. personally, i’m pullin’ for Giuliani (did i spell that correctly?), but most of the other major candidates are good too. as long as they don’t force a national religion, and don’t surf the web starting flame wars in random forums:evilgrin:

If Obama-Gore were to run I’d have a fit of ectasy.

I just REAAAALLLY hope it turns out that way.

Al Gore made the internet, how can we not vote for him? :wink:

al gore didn’t make no internets. al gore is the devil! your mama made the internets!

I’m not sure whether to vote for John Howard or Kevin Rudd or give my vote to a minor party in protest against both major parties then selectively distribute my preferences such that I effectively vote for everyone - and no one.

Not that there’s any difference between any of them so I might just play darts with the list of candidates and cast my votes accordingly.

This seems to be a thin veil of pseudo-democracy hiding the same old…
There is only ever two candidates for the presidency (or the Australian prime-minister-ship).
But there is often a third person running, whom enough people think enough of to vote for, thereby fracturing the left vote (usually) and landing the right in power. This is what Nader did to Gore (I think it was him).

And also, my opinion as a humble member of Australia (which is fast becoming an american state…) is that if Hillary or Obama run for the Dems then that will basically assure the reps of a win, which is probably the only thing they’ll have going for them after the slogging in the mid-terms.

Interesting: possibly. Different to the past : Not really…

AndyD: I long since stopped voting for anyone but the ALP in the lower house because I simply want to remove Howard, and voting green or Dem won’t acheive that, and this time Rudd may actually have a chance too. The senate is another story though.


I’ve decided who I want for president: Gingrich.

For two reasons, even a newt would do a better job than a bush, and I love the idea of a 21st century president who wishes the confederacy won the war!!!