I just saw your base mesh and it made me laugh.
Amazing that you can get such good results from such a low poly model
Hey you gots to share your texturing techniques some time, that’s my weakest point in CG.
Really nice job man! Sculped model looks fantastic! Only one crit: your texture with those scratches on his mouth and eye seem a bit unrealistic, they seem like it is a picture of demon got scrathed and not the demon it self. Scratch doesn’t seem to folow contour of your model. Hope you understand what I mean…
could somebody please explain how to get the “wrinkles” in the skin!!! is this done with a bumpmap? i have tried this before but the results were juck…
if it is a bumpmap, could you share the material sttings and the bump map please? this is a feature i am desperate to learn!!! and you did it so well…
Jay-son, if you’ll re-read the conversation, you’ll see he actually sculpted it with blender’s new sculpt tools. These are only in the release candidate, though, which is why they wouldn’t be immediately obvious.