Hi there, new to using Blender Completely new to any computer graphics period.
The site says that if you’re a linux user, you can either download the tar ball thingamawhatsit and install 2.5 manually, or
download the Deb file, and double-click on it in the File Browser.
That’s what I’d like to do, but where’s the Deb file?? I can’t find it on Blender’s site!
What I would rather do is download the zipped archive and put it (unzip it) where ever I wanted to without going through an installation process. That’s just me though
I tried that and it didn’t seem to work. I see the zoomy window effect when I click “run” or “run in terminal” in the dialog box that comes up, but the program doesn’t seem to actually open. Are there certain directories in which it won’t work?
I’m using Ubuntu 11.04 (but booted into classic gnome), with a Thinkpad edge 14 i5, if that means anything.