Deselecting faces from Material Index


How do I remove the faces assigned in a particular Material Index?
For eg. I’m contructing a model and I’ve already assigned several faces for a particualar Material Index.
How do I “de-assign” faces that we previously assigned in that Material Index. If I deselect the faces I don’t want, then I click Assign… when I deselect all and I Select again, the faces that I deselected are still assigned…

Can someone help me solve this.


:cool: Volo

select the ones you don’t want and click delete.

EDIT: never mind, I’m crazy. Kroni’s right.

just assign them to another material id

Ty Kroni, problem solved.

But as Egan said about delete…
That basically deletes the index not the faces (you have to come out of edit mode).

I thought Blender could have an easier way of removing faces from the Material Index.



No problem
If there was an “unasign” button it could lead to faces that dont have a material id at all, which is logically incorrect :wink: and u wouldnt want it to happen…