Desert Mech

This has been my focus for the last 8 hours(sadly, I was unknowing of the length that this took, and I could probably use some sleep and some eyedrops now), and I think it kinda turned out good. The first image is the normal render, while the 2nd one is done with some plugins in the sequence editor to add some blurs and glows and stuff. Which one you like is a matter of taste.[/img]

Very good… I woud add some sun brusts, but overal I realy like it.
Nice modeling of the upper part of the manipulators … Oh one else thing, IMHO you shoud place e weapon above the hand … . %|

Look like cool paper craft to me. I like it.

that rocks!!!

coool model man. can we see a wire!?

Cool! I love mechs, but I’ve never been able to make one myself. I think it looks better without the plugins because you can see the textures better. Nice sand/dust effect around the feet.


Very cool mech :slight_smile:


Try a toon rendering, I bet it would look awesome :smiley:

luv the model and the material :slight_smile: