Developing custom Geometry Nodes for beginners (Blender 3.5)


I know software comparisons aren’t popular, but I’ll relate this to how this was in C4D years ago. Developers had 2 choices: they could write in C++, or they could use C4D’s proprietary scripting language (called COFFEE. Sort of similar to Maxscript, but harder to write.)

A developer could write a shader in either language. If they chose to code in C++, it rendered quite fast. If they coded in COFFEE, it might be dreadfully slow. In either case, Maxon didn’t lock down part of the API just because some use cases weren’t fast. A volume fog shader in COFFEE - forget it, you’ll be here all night waiting for a frame. But a COFFEE shader that did something simple - say, a grid - was perfectly acceptable on speed.

As Guy stated, “And if it’s prohibitively slow in your case, then that’s too bad; you don’t have to use it.”

Blender offers a very different twist on this. You can code in Python or C++, but both of them lack key API access depending on your goal. If you want full access, you have to write for the main branch - and then hope that you’ve not wasted several months of your life when the reply is “this is not the blender way, update request denied”.

I’m not saying that BF should accept every code change that is offered to main, of course not. But it feels like contributing developers are somehow between a rock and another rock at times.