Diablo 3 watch the trailer ;)


very nice candle animation :wink:

Yeah I want that game now…

Those destructible environments look awesome! And those boss battles, insane! This looks like it was worth the wait. I am glad they didn’t take the whole WoW route with this game. Warcraft is tarnished forever :frowning:

I also like how they kept the style very much like the first two games. I’m glad they didn’t take the cartoony, primary colours look like they did with Warcraft.

WoW, what a mh I played and and found it rather boring.
Please collect 20 glowing mushrooms to get this golden bow as a reward…

it feels rather as a kid game

Yeah, looking good. When it ships I’m going to have to take a week off to play it, because my productivity will be zero…

Oh my, I am not the only person who hates WoW! I always get flamed for hating WoW, but I just find it boring. They should have kept Warcraft in the old RTS style. WoW feels like a giant chatroom to me :slight_smile:

WoW has become a grinding game.
Diablo II was kinda the same.
Let’s hope they make quests like in diablo and better loot/trading system as the old one was crappy.

Old Diablo with more unique quests better lewt/trading system YES PLZ.

Certainly not the only one. :slight_smile: I tried it for two months and gave up because it felt like a kids game and most people seemed to suffer from severe retardation(it was a PvP server with corpse camping as the norm). And it tends to start repeating itself after a while. The whole run from place A to place B and kill something and come back thing is so goddamn overdone that on the umpteenth time it just can’t keep you in it’s grasp.

It certainly isn’t a bad game, but the fact that normal people with relative anonymity tend to turn into complete assholes kind of ruin the fun(I know someone’s going to say that I should have played on a PvE server, but that sort of ruins the point behind the conflict that’s behind the whole thing).

I’m hoping to test AoC once it has matured for a while, being a game for Mature audience it should have less people doing something really annoying just out of teen age angst.

Anyways I’m really looking forward to the third Diablo, I liked the first and the second one to certain extent, although they had to be enjoyed in small quantities to prevent repetition from subtracting from the fun(just like the newer Sid Meier’s Pirates!, which also has great replay value due to so many things changing between games).:cool:

I have been playing Titan Quest whilst waiting for Diablo 3. It’s probably the best Diablo clone out there, but it still isn’t near as good as Diablo.

Is this not offtopic?


Oh gods, no…

One Game to rule them all, One Game to find them,
One Game to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them!

Darn it, one game that can keep me awake for weeks straight, this game series is a curse, I tells ya! :frowning:

Oh well, once its out I’m going to play it anyway. :slight_smile:

I was wondering if they would ever come out with a 3rd Diablo.

Should be interesting to see, i used to be pretty obsessed with Diablo II and the expansion. Good times…

Still waiting for something playable re: Starcraft 2…