Dial up or broadband, which are you using?

Just out of interest really as too how many of you are there in blender land are actually using broadband. I have been using broadband for around 3 years now and I sort of take it for granted.

However if large file video tutorials were made for download, or should the file size of blender increase dramatically, would this affect your access to such data, or is broadband technology been made readily available for most of you out there. ( I’m sure blender wont inflate too much as I am aware that one of Tons requirements for blender was a small file size so that anyway can download it whether they are on dial up or not)

Please tell me your experiences I am interested to know.

I’ve got ADSL @384kbps. Speed is fine, however, in my beaurocratic country bandwidth is expensive. I’ve got the cheapest solution available here, and I’m paying about $10/gb of bandwidth. That excludes the monthly cost for the adsl connection.

We have been online since 2001 and we switched to DSL (1.5MBPS, no bandwidth limit) in December of 2006. It’s like a whole new world, only I can view allot more of it without having to wait 5 minutes for the page to load.

people still use dialup these days??

Hey, there are countries that don’t even have telephone lines/dialup yet.


You should add an alpha channel to your avatar.


I have a cable modem, and I live in NJ, so it’s all good speed-wise.

I haven’t yet gotten around to adjusting it for the new forum skin…
All in good time :cool:

Stupid dsl service doesn’t reach up here, and no cable lines either…

We had dialup for an age, and recently switched to cable. It’s beautiful, it’s a beautiful thing.

i have adsl@512kbps

used to have dialup @slow downlaod at like 1.5-2kbs

and got adsl like umm a few months ago and it like it

Dial up unfortunately.
I should be getting Tiscali Broadband when my contrct runs out though


i never watch movies, i never play cool games, i can barely surf the internet, and whenever i want to listen to internet radio stations i have to choose 28k, because my 56k modem buffers too much if i try and use a 56k station.

blender’s fine though. if there’s one thing i’ve learned from dial-up, it’s patience. takes about half an hour to download, but i’m devoted enough to wait the whole time (gives me time to make a sandwich, eat it, and poo it out all before the download is done)

Just a question: Why does anyone use dialup? Why not use a gprs connection from your cell phone?

A few months back, I had to wait 6 weeks for our terrible phone company to install my adsl line. During that time I simply connected my cellphone to my laptop (via bluetooth) and used it as a modem for a gprs connection. Connection speed is 70-90kbps (true speed) and I pay per mb, not per time as in dialup.

ok, problem: me no have “cell phone”. and i don’t have a cool, nifty laptop to go on the internet where ever i please. the reasons for not having broadband are, funny enough, broad. no service there, too far away for a sizable increase in speed, insufficient funds (as the banks say), and numerous other deals that are different for every family (mine is having too old a computer to recognize the modem). in any case, it’s just not worth the hassle, or you need more money. not all of use are rich, y’know.

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Ok, well, I wish I was rich, but you don’t need a laptop to connect to your cellphone, you can get a cheap bluetooth dongle. And get a cheap 2nd hand cellphone with a prepaid simcard.
I don’t know how it work in other countries, but here the gprs service is free - only pay for bandwidth, about US$ 0.25/mb. This means you don’t need an isp, thus it works out cheaper than dialup.

I’m still using dial-up as the broadband coverage and value for money is pitiful in Australia. I’m in a major city too, it’s worse for people out in rural areas. My dial-up plan is pretty good though. Downloading large files isn’t that bad (and by large I mean over 10mb), you just start the download and then go and watch a movie. I won’t bother with anything over 50mb, I’ll just get a friend to download it for me. I wouldn’t even consider any video tutorials while I’m on dial-up.

Dial up. No broadband for me. Satellite is expensive crap, I refuse to use it.

Well i have broadband, i upgraded to a 2mb connection, but over the past month the speed has gradually gone down from 2mb to 1.2mb, why i am severely unhappy about! i have phoned the ISP but they don’t help very much, and i am frustrated about this because we pay for a 2mb connection but we only get a 1.2mb connection??? :confused::mad::mad::confused:

I used to be able to download at 220kb/s but now im lucky if i get up to even 100kb/s!

But anyway, im run out of ideas for solutions, so i have gave up… :frowning:

I get 700 down on average.

8 meg connection, but thats a max. I get download speeds of 500-800k from any decent server.

I remember those days. Muahahah! Now blender can be downloaded in <10 seconds.

not all of use are rich, y’know.

Indeed. I was the same, but now I’m working myself and earning.