dialogue.py - display interactive dialogue trees

find that line in the source, and change it to

self.keymap = {getattr(bge.events, val): getattr(bgui, val) for val in dir(b
ge.events) if val.endswith('KEY') or val.startswith('PAD') and hasattr(bge.events, val)}

Where is it located in the folder?

Rather than updating an old version, it would be best to use the latest release, but it might take some work.
So, read the error:

C:\Users\My world\Desktop\dialogue\dialogue\dialogue.py", line 46,

So dialogue.py has not been updated on post 1.That is the one i am using.

I mean to say it would be best to use the new version of bgui, but it would break things as well

Forget it i have someone to help me with my dialogue sytem by providing code for it.