Diamond checking

Hello, This is final version of my weekend chellenge entry. This time rendered with real camera DOF. I have used well known fake glass disperse node setup with 3 IOR values for each RGB color but what I have found is the more render samples calculated the less dispersion effect is visible. The magnified diamond has been rendered with LuxRender. I would be grateful for Your comments. It’s always better to know what has been made wrong.


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Great job! Can’t find anything wrong with it. :slight_smile: Nice job!

Here is fully LuxRender version. There is huge difference between Cycles fake dispersion and Lux physically correct dispersion.

would you mind posting a node setup for that fake dispersion? or at least a quick explanation on which nodes and how to connect them? I’ve been thinking about this kind of light in Cycles. It’s apparently physically accurate, so theoretically it should split light on it’s own (which is not the case as far as I could see in any glass scenes)

Hello, here it is the node and rendering setup and also rendering progress example. Maybe the effect is not visible because light is very dispersed at all?