I am interested in buying a cintiq on this site :
The 12" version…
and the 20" version…
The question I have for european patrons of BA…
Have you bought Wacom hardware (not necessarily a Cintiq) oversea? And what about the warranty?
Do we still get support for our hardware bought in the USA and delivered in Europe?
Because the price makes me go… mmmmh (it’s around 50% cheaper than the “cut-my-own-throat” price practiced in France…)
But if my tablet has a problem and I can’t use my warranty because it is bought in the USA… even if it’s half the price, it’s still a hefty sum…
thanks for any hint…
PS : I sent a mail to the US reseller and to Wacom-Europe, but they didn’t care to answer. Either it’s obvious and me = stupid, or something is fishy.