Did anybody from Europe bought a Cintiq oversea? I have warranty questions...

:smiley: I am interested in buying a cintiq on this site :
The 12" version…
and the 20" version…

The question I have for european patrons of BA…

Have you bought Wacom hardware (not necessarily a Cintiq) oversea? And what about the warranty?
Do we still get support for our hardware bought in the USA and delivered in Europe?

:smiley: Because the price makes me go… mmmmh (it’s around 50% cheaper than the “cut-my-own-throat” price practiced in France…)

But if my tablet has a problem and I can’t use my warranty because it is bought in the USA… even if it’s half the price, it’s still a hefty sum…

:smiley: thanks for any hint…

PS : I sent a mail to the US reseller and to Wacom-Europe, but they didn’t care to answer. Either it’s obvious and me = stupid, or something is fishy.

I’ve heard good things about the small Cintiques. If there is a wacom representative in France you could send the faulty one to them, I think. Cause there is something called factory warranty. At least in Sweden that is.

:smiley: That what I think, but I prefer to be sure before spending any money …