What would you suggest to do now? Which tutorials or websites or even books would you recommend? Is there any course for leaning Blender online? Maybe DVDs?
I some on the net, but before just taking anything I see, I thought it would be good to ask for your advice on which resources are the best to learn blender.
Well, I did.
Using the little knowledge from those few tuts, I modeled a little extra simple house. But the info in those tuts was VERY VERY VERY limited, it was just meant to be a quick intro. Using my current knowledge all I know is just how to make some primitives, move around objects and vertices, do some VERY basic animation, and do some VERY basic material editing, and rendering. That’s it.
I need some way more serious and detailed training before I can do anything usable and useful.
if i want to train and i don’t know what project to start, i always try to model whatever lies around me at the time (my mobile phone, a usb stick, etc…).
if i get stuck, i search around on this forum or search for a similar tutorial
There are a lot of other tutorials at blendercookie.com
Search one that you like and watch it. After a few tutorials you know more about modeling, textering, lightning…
Then you can try a little project without beeing frustrated after 5 minutes.
There are quite good tutorials at blenderguru.com, too.
Errrrr… did you explored the page? If you did, then you had realized that there’s a lot of more advanced tutorials… so, if you feel that those intro tuts are too basics, try another tuts…
For example, there’s two free series that could be useful:
Maybe are too complicated. But if you need deeper tuts, these are really complete in the modeling area… If you thing that you can’t make them now, keep looking for most easier tuts, there’s a lot of them…
I would recommend getting away from a pure copy - paste tutorial and figure out something of your own you want to do - model a boat or a house or a jedi. use tutorials for reference. I find it keeps my interest a lot longer, and I learn more of the big picture stuff than small details
a pretty good thing to do early on is to create a room with some good lighting (and maybe a basic render node setup), to have a convenient place to test-render stuff that you model. It’s usually a nice confidence boost to see a new model well lit for the first time, but tedious to set up over and over again.