Die User Defaults, Die!

OK it’s quite bizarre to be learning blender and all of a sudden you start noticing Actions, IPOS and Images from previous projects appearing. (It turns out that Control-U actually has a lot of unintended side effects if all you think you are saving is just the visible preferences on the User Preferences window :-? ).

I’ve gotten rid of the IPOs and Actions that were saved in my User Defaults. How about Images? I apparently can’t purge the images out of the Data Select Window (Shift-F4)

I know I can just delete the .B.blend file and be done with it, but I want to understand not just nuke my preferences every time I do this by mistake. This really isn’t covered at all in the 2.3 Guide as far as I can tell?

CTRL-U saves the currend .blend as default file. Everything.


So there is no way to just save preferences (what’s in the User Preferences window) separately from the current .blend file? Most apps make a distinction between preferences and previous documents or project files.

Open Blender with nothing loaded (except the camera and default cube/plane if you want it). Set your scenes and screens the way you want them.Center all your windows and your 3D cursor(s). Load the Python scripts you want (in the Text window, the Scripts window will look after itself). Do Ctrl-U.

If you already have objects in your default B.blend, but you want to save all the rest, then delete all the objects, do Ctrl-W -> Ctrl-O twice (once to delete materials, twice to delete textures) as many times as is necessary to delete all datablocks. Check the OOPS window and do Ctrl-U.

You can also save lighting setups, custom primitives and Fake (F) datablocks in any of your screens or scenes on any layer(s) you want to.
