I downloaded 2.28a and installed it on both Linux and Windows machines. I’ve noticed some interesting interface changes on the Windows side (like the way that the faces/edges highlight when their corresponding vertices are selected), but this does not appear to happen in the Linux version. Any ideas why?
Also, I’ve been reading about a more formalized fork to the Blender code, Tohupuu2- but either haven’t seen, or or have missed any references to its official download location.
Faces/Edges highliting might be turned off in your linux version. You probably still have your old .B.blend file. Just go to editbuttons window and click “Draw Faces” and “Draw Edges” to turn those features on.
Yeap, the 3D viewport is faster on Linux. Also, the hot key to turn on/off all the layers together doesn’t work on linux (~) but I guess that is because (RedHat) linux treat that key as a sticky one that always need to be fallowed by another to form the actual key stroke.
Another thing to be aware is that the windows installer takes care of the hidden files needed by Blender (the international fonts and alike) but when you install on Linux you have to take care of those files yourself.
Finally, the plug-ins that ship with Blender are un-compiled… on Linux it is just a matter of issuing a MAKE command, but in Windows you need to do other things… things that I’m not very aware off).