I have been working on a big project, full of textures and geometry, I had 2 Quadros P4000 and rendering was normal, I decided to put another GPU to improve the render times, is a Nvidia GTX 1070 ti, downloaded the latest drivers and install them.
Blender recognize the card in preferences but when I render, some render tiles,( I assume the Nvidia GTX 1070 ti ) render super grainy and fast.
I tried rendering other more simple projects and they render fine with the 3 cards.
I messed a lot with the render settings so probably there is some issue with that but I´m thinkin that is just that the Nvidia GTX 1070 ti can´t handle so many textures and geometry.
Actually its not more grainy, it looks like some lights are not being rendered…
As far as I know you can only run one Nvidia driver, either the GTX driver or the Quadro driver. So to get the 2070 to work you have to uninstall the Quadro driver and inst all the GTX driver (which supports Quadro cards but without the Quadro features) and you will lose all Quadro-specific features like CAD app acceleration, etc. Nvidia recently added 30-bit OpenGL to the Game ready and Creator GTX drivers, so if you’re on one of those then at least that feature is probably available on the Quadros too (Blender wont use any of the Quadro features as far as I know so this would only affect other applications you might be using).
But in general I would have expected the Quadro and GTX cards to compute the same result. They both have the same 8GB memory so there shouldn’t really be resource issues there.
If you try one Quadro + CPU, and then the 1070ti alone + CPU, does one of those two renders exhibit different tiles (between the CPU and the GPU rendered tiles)? If so that’s the GPU to focus on as it’s different from the standard result from the CPU.
Is this the official 2.80 release build of Blender or something different?
I have red in blogs that you can use multiple different Nvidia cards with no problem, didn´t know that you just can run one driver.
I try rendering other projects with the same confuguration, both Quadro P4000 + Nvidia GTX 1070 and they render without the tiling error, this project is much bigger in terms of geometry and textures so thought it might be that. But I have another computer with two GPUs a 1070 ti and a 980 and the same thing happends with this project.
I messed a lot with the render settings while I was workin on this project ( even trying the new AI D-NOISE which mess with your compositor nodes so I wont use it in this project ) so I open a new fresh project and append the master collection to it but same thing happends.
So here´s the thing:
1070ti + CPU :
When I hit F12 and after the synchronization a lot of tiles start to render simultaneously, like 18 or something, something interesting is that in the task manager the CPU goes sky high 100% and the 1070ti stays between 6% and 8%. At 100 samples it takes 4 minutes to render and THE RESULT IS SEAMLESS NORMAL TILES.
ONE Quadro P4000 + CPU:
When I hit F12 and after the synchronization a lot of tiles start to render simultaneously, at 100 samples it takes less than 3 minutes to render. The weird thing is that in windows task manager both P4000 stays at 0% and the GTX 1070 Ti seams to have some activity between 6% and 10% aprox even if it is deactivated in preferences. THE RESULT IS SEAMLESS NORMAL TILES.
1070ti + ONE Quadro P4000
At 100 samples it takes less than 2 minutes to render. THE RESULT IS SEAMLESS NORMAL TILES.
1070ti + TWO Quadro P4000.
Total chaos! At 100 samples it takes also less than 2 minutes to render but the resault lots of SUPER grainy tiles
What happens with TWO Quadro P4000s, with and without CPU but without the 1080? Maybe one of the cards are oddly using the wrong drivers (which I know sounds weird) or is faulty?
I used to have an old QuadroPlex card, which was faster than my current M4000 (P4000 is much newer of course). But limited memory on the old one meant I couldn’t do big scenes with it before it crashed out.
But now with main RAM being utilized (at least I think it is), why two Quadros?
I`m on a deadline so I decided to open both computers again and take the 1070 from computer A and install it on computer B, so, now I have two computers:
Two 1070ti
Two Quadro P4000
Now everything renders without errors in the tiles, (seamless normal tiles) in both computers.
Computer A, the one with two 1070ti is twice as faster than computer B in render times.
Hey Carl. Im not a hardware guy, Why did you ask about using two Quadros? , Im starting to think it was a waste of money, watching the two 1070 rendering at almost half the time and being cheaper.
Well, you get the memory and probably build quality. But that’s a steep price to pay if all you do is use Blender. I also use Solidworks at work, and there gaming cars are an absolute waste of money (they’re just making it run slower deliberately because they’re pricks! - imo :D).
Well, the Quadro RTX 4000 have 8 gig or ram for about 1000€ while the GeForce RTX 2070 Super has 8GB as well and the same amount of cuda cores but goes for 500€. There is nothing comparable ram wise in the GeForce family to the Quadro RTX 5000 which has 16GB or ram, so yeah, I guess if you need that amount or ram you´ll have to shell out the 2500€.