Different sized and shaped Potatoes with Geometry nodes?

So i need to make some cut potatoes like this this https://geekrobocook.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Dahi-aloo-curry.jpg

they are all different shapes and somewhat different sizes

now its probably easier to model and sculpt them each but i want to see if its possible to do them with geometry nodes, which can also help me learn that.

Can anyone help?

Quick and Dirty rough concept as a starting point.

Starting from a 2 point curve path as geo nodes input:

  • Resample the curve

  • Convert to mesh

  • Add Arc profile to make wedge

  • Offset vert positions with noise

  • Provide random rotation and scale

  • Create grid to distribute points

  • Capture Instance attribute to be used for scaling and rotation

  • instance points

Rough material concept:

Shader node:


Is it possible to get a better screenshot of the mesh? Looks so cluttered