Digital Domain Interview

Hi Everyone!

I am nearing completion on my
new website,

It is going to be a 3D commuinty
with forums, reviews, interviews,
galleries, etc. It will be focused
alot on Blender, but also other

Anyway, I am setting up a review
for Tim Hoffman, who works at
DigitalDomain (I have friends who
“know” people) :wink:

I was coming up with questions to
ask him, and I had the idea of getting
some from the Blender commuinty.

Here is what I have so far:

Could you tell us a little about your history working in 3D?
What type of education did you have, if any?

What are some of the companies you have worked for, and
what projects did you work on?

How do you like working for D2? From what I have read,
they sound like a really cool place.

What software do you use?
Is there any particular reason why you chose
that software?

What are your specialities as a 3D artist?

Do you have any special tips or techniques you
use that you would care to pass on?

Are large majority of the visitors to elementi-motus
are Blender users. Blender is freeware, opensource
3d suite. Have you ever used Blender, or any other
freeware, professionally?

What advice can you give to people who are new to 3d?

Anyway, if anyone wants to add to that list,
I am open to suggestions.


Derek Mounce
[email protected]

Alrighty, with 36 people who
have viewed this post, I find
it a bit odd that no one has

Did I ask everyone not to
reply or something? Did I
make a typo?


We are often a contrary lot, and sometimes we just don’t have anything useful to say.

I’d like to know how he goes about preparing for projects.

Ask him how did he found his job…I mean did he made study then go to that place and ask for a job? or did they saw his work blablabla…

Also give some advice about how to find a job in 3d for a compagny…

Thanks for the reply!

Ask him what he foresees for the future of the film industry considering that people with home pc’s can make their own movies.

Thanks you again everyone
for the replies.

Cree, that is an excellent question.
I will ask him all that have been
recommended so far.
