Well i desided to start with a new project i made a little sketch and started working here is the initial idea and the start of the model
Well i desided to start with a new project i made a little sketch and started working here is the initial idea and the start of the model
Looks like a good start. Kinda hard to tell where you’re going with it…Looks kinda creepy already which is the intention so yeah. Nice start
Yeah is supossed to be creapy was just an image that poped in my head. I usualy only draw/paint/model humans so i thought would be intresting to do some mechanical things as well.
But here an update mostly texture wise.
SOme more textureing and small changes to make the meshes cleaner.
Only i have some problems with the tears they dont look right does anybody have a tip to make them look more tear like ?
For the tears they’re more like how cartoon rain is drawn. more of a blob at the bottom and then thinning up to the top. and it shouldn’t have a dark outline. maybe try messing with the ray transparency settings. like the IOR to 1.1 maybe. Looking creepy
Nice concept.
Couple things I think might improve it a bit are the eyelids seem too thin maybe a little bit of topology or bump mapping to give them some folds and wrinkles and bring them out a bit where they meet to give them some thickness. They need some meat and shape to them. Also I would put in stretch wrinkles around the scalp and the cheek and chin where they meet the rigging.
I’ll be watching this post. Nice!
Thanks both for your advise i will deffenitly use them.
Year, I like the concept.
For tears, you will have better render if you model its.
And for mouth, use the blender sculpte tool to make it more teared.
Actualy the tears are modeled but yes that was my mian problem with them they look to flat but i am trying some differnt settings now an di hope they get there volume back.
And i wasplanning on using sculpt yes but i like the do that when i am totaly ahppy with how the texture falls and the model itself and then do it as finishing touch (one of teh reasons for that is that i always have to apply multiress before i can render so leaving me with way to many verts to do some touch up work)
But anyway thanks for the sugestions
The specularity needs to be turned way up on the tear mesh. And if your using Yafray, its the perfect opportunity to use caustics.
Well caustic is a little bit long to render.
try to mind how do you must to do if you make this in 2d like in photoshop.
It is the same think with 3d
Add fresnel reflexion, refracion (about 1.5 for water), and specular.
To simulate more specular, add a white autoilluminate plane at the back of the camera, it will add environment reflexion to your scene.
So much work for school but i did some new things today i started on the rat
i adjusted the tears i think they look a lot better now but ia m not sure of the straeie (strech marks).
very nice work keep it up!