I think the sky gradient should show up in the background, or a texture if the user has one mapped to the world settings, as the 3D viewport is representing the ‘world’, by allowing that it would allow for the above, plus be very useful when setting up scenes in the viewport.
@zeauro I thought of that also, easy solution is just color1->color2 from bottom to top. hard solution is to match it to the z0 horizon. then orto views also make sense. you know straight of if you look into the ground or up. (in my mockup ground would be darker)
I was like 99% sure this was the case if you enable Dispay>Only Render in 3d view property panel. but it doesn’t not for me atleast.
@giant551 modo has a flat blue/greenish color, I thought they had a ramp. maya2011 has a ramp. but to strong. want a ramp more subtle ala modo. modo has blender orange for selection also
While I like the idea, I think the linear “slate” color gradients have a dated 2010 look to them. I think Blender needs to stay dynamic and cutting-edge. Instead, we should focus on adding support for radial gradients instead.
omg that effect, and titties. I get friday flashbacks. I never been to amsterdam but I can imagine thats how everyday is over there after visit in the coffee shops.
wops I didn’t even react to the fact the breats area was in view. im totally used to naked bodies … to much hipster blogs.
but the general idea is sound? I might even give it a try to do it in C. but I suspect a more experienced C/Blender dev. could do it in a blink of an eye.
Flat colour
I like the idea and its probably the easiest to implement.
Gradient background
Its nice. Could be good for sculpting or previews but for general work I’m not so sure. How does it look with the grid on top?.
World Texture
A probable winner. If it can be easily set up and rendered, a definite winner.
“I was like 99% sure this was the case if you enable Dispay>Only Render in 3d view property panel. but it doesn’t not for me atleast.”
AFAIK this was more or less the case up to blender 2.45 but it used the backbuffer button in the render panel to render the background image not world image