Discussion about Blender, and the commercialization of the Blender ecosystem

Are you serious?

You are paid for your work, all the dev are paid to make Blender and you say, every Addon’s devs should give their work for free for the cause, for the dream?
Blender devs spend 20 years to get paid for their work!
Of course a lot worked for free, like addon’s devs with their free addons.

And what is disgusting about making a salary with our work on an open source software?
There are paid versions of linux, there are paid plugins on wordpress.
Addon’s devs don’t have a dev fund to make the addons, to promote, to bug fix etc.

It’s hypocrite IMO to ask other to work for free when you work for money with blender.

The BF should do like wordpress, a big site with all the plugins and they take a part of the sell.
Addon’s make blender better, leads other software users ton blender, so more funding and devs can be paid to make blender for 20 more years.

In fact you are going against Blender community, read the comments, people use blender with paid addons for a reason, to have support (not free), to have updates (not free), to have bug fix (not free)

If you want to kill Blender, continue like that!


i am very serious my friend… the bizness will kill our belowed software… not me.
but if it is necessary, we gonna copy (recreate) all “paid scripts” and deliver them for free for the community… it is easy ! and i am sure people will be happy.

if people cannot make something without asking money, it is sad…
i never ask people to work for free, i am wondering why they dont sell their art and 3d production, and release their tools to others… their tricks and tutorials… like before ! we did as this and we never kill blender ! at least, we made it famous :smiley:

Blender (Ton) had a vision… and we respect it … because we feel it…
the point was to be equal, in front of the tool, to deliver the freedom to create… the purpose of that community ! so why are we discussing the price of pieces of code ???

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code = 3d art = tutorial = time = work = need money to make it!


Do you feel the same about art and/or assets created with Blender? For example, if someone sells furniture assets they created in Blender? Or maybe they used Blender to create assets for a commercial game. In your mind, does everyone using Blender have an obligation to supply their blend files for free?

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I guess i need to post it here too.
I don’t understand why people keep arguing about it. Some people tried to do their addons free and “pay what you want model” to keep developing going and it never worked and never will. Saying otherwise is delusional. You can lie to yourself all you want but the fact is when you’re being offered something for free only a VERY small amount of people will pay willingly. And bringing 1 example - retopoflow doesn’t change this fact.
And i don’t really get it why people are so obsessed about addons being publicly open source? If people want to download something for free they will find a way. But forcing developers to do it against their will is crazy.

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You are extracting the Micheal. I’d wager, when you provide a service, you do not do it for free. Nay, I’d expect you demand recompense for your time. I’ll believe these people looking for the “everything for free” utopia once they provide every service and provision for free themselves. Simply put, they look for some excuse as to how it’s different for them. Ideals are great provided someone else is paying the price seems to be the mentality. Then they sit back all indignant and justified.


need an :orange_heart: first… and a collaborative mind… when you want to support, you find the time to do it… question of priority…
but as i said, people can contribute as they can… some have more time, some other less… anyway… the point is to not block the access to features to any of the community users, what ever is their level or age or country… or their bank account ! *

  • are you aware that 2$ in some countries, it is = to a full daily food for an entire family ?
    are you gonna tell them that everyone need this money ? please

Blender was always “everything for free” and if you have time to contribute in some way…
who change the rules ? and decide that only one part of the community will be able to use it !!! it is a big difference to me

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No addons make tools that are not possible to do in blender.
Addons are just macro, so, no feature is bloked by addons.

Also, it’s not blocking a feature, people can use blender without any addons, it works pretty well especially on 2.8.

I wonder if all the devs think like you.


Blender wasn’t always “everything for free”. Blender was a commercial product. In-fact for Blender to become open source in the first place Ton had to ask the community for donations (100K if I’m not mistaken). So this whole fantasy about Blender being free is just that. Blender has never been “free”. It’s only free as in freedom, not free as in beer. Everything has a cost associated with it. This is a conversation that has already been had on this thread.


so, if i understand, people who have money have the right to work the easy way, as the poor can just do the same within the hard way ! what a world are we building here !


Paid addons are fine, but I don’t like how little in terms of useful improvements (as opposed to the disappointing bikeshedding of Blender 2.8) is getting into Blender these days. The big projects like Cycles or the depsgraph upgrade are being worked on, but I really wish the BF would put at least one person on the little, but important features that typically you have to buy in addon form.

Baking UI? Buy an addon. Destructive booleans? Addon. A boatload of tiny, but useful modelling tools? Addons. Retopology? Addon. Sculpting helpers? Addons. Groups? Addon. Shape key transfer? Addon. Everything’s an addon.

Even if that person would tackle only a single such small feature per month, after a year we’d have a more polished, more pleasant core Blender.


I agree with this but add-on developers are a symptom not the cause. Like you said the BF are not working on these features themselves and don’t seem that interested or don’t have the resources to, so the add-on developers decided to pick up the charge and why not make some money while they are at it until the BF has time to focus their gaze on workflow and usability features.


Again with the “poor countries” trope. Yet, these same poor people re running gaming level systems which I cannot afford and are charging for their services. Hmm, methinks someone doth protest too much.


Ok, so, addon’s devs must work for free for years for everyones to be able to work the easy way?
Read the GPL, you can sell you work, it even encourages you to do so.
Blender isn’t free.


At this point this thread is going in circles. So much so that I think I’ve already wrote “I think this thread is going in circles” earlier in the thread. LOL. Maybe it was the other one. I can’t keep track anymore.

It’s not an argument.
First of all - if this is the case, those people have way more important thing to worry about than blender addons.
Second - We’re in the internet you can find and download ANYTHING for free if you really want to. It doesn’t mean developers should make it free.
Third - you can say the same thing about anything in the world then. Do those people need a pc? Well i guess too bad because intel/amd/nvidia won’t give them anything for free no matter how poor they are. Welcome to the real world.


I have no problems with them getting money. I’ve probably purchased some 30 different addons.

I do mind that often the addon developers are limited by the Python API and the features are often unpolished or unreliable.

And on top of that some addons just aren’t updated fast enough, or cease support altogether, like BPainter.

All in all I’d rather support these same developers to put their functionality into core Blender.

Dreams don’t keep the lights on pal! As I said earlier, Blender devs are paid for their work. Someone has to pay their rent, their electricity, or there is no dream, no software and no Blender.

Please don’t be so naive as to think that the Blender Institute and it’s work is entirely created by people who are there solely for some kind of dream. The dream drives them to do the work, but it’s money that keeps the computers running, the lights on and coders fed.

I am extremely thankful to the add-on developers who have made some wonderful additions to Blender. It has allowed me to more easily get the ideas out of my head and onto the screen. To save me time that allows me to do more work or better looking work in the time that I have is priceless. I have not problem with giving them the asking price for their work. Why would I not? Why do you have a problem with this? Why can’t they benefit from their work? Are you going to go to work every day for 8 hours because your boss wants you to? Who is going to pay your electricity bill? Who is going to put food on your table?


Which is a situation which imo is usually worse with free add-ons. A lot of free add-ons see no updates. While at least some paid updates if they are successful enough see some updates.