Do you think composting nodes working in BGE might be a good idea? Ive been thinking about what possible advantages and disadvantages it could have? What would you like the workflow to be like?
P.S this isnt a feature request, I ask only becoz if I will get time to go through BGE source I could have some definite objective, instead of wandering aimlessly (although I make no claim or promises to implement it)
nodes always make it easy for certain things imo. i dont know , does BGE need post processing?
it would be cool to see some existing nodes get supported to the game engine though.
Dunno if integrated nodes would be faster than 2d filters, material nodes seem to be faster than GLSL scripts. Would any dev like to enlighten me on that? moguri?
Integrated nodes could make it bit easier for people to get the right effect they want as modifying the existing 2d filter resources could be hard for someone who does not have any knowledge of GLSL.
Does anything need Postprocessing?? Of Course not, because which Engine does? There would be enough Workarounds for absolutely everything, probably. But they have, and with it they have Possibilities. If Compositing Nodes are faster, then they are of immensive Use.
EDIT: Would the Possibilities compared to 2D Effects grow? The one Thing that bugs me when creating Fragment Shaders, is, that I cannot simply apply such a Fragment Shader to only one Object. If I have a cool Glass-Effect, then I only can have it pulled over the whole Screen, but I want it on my Glasses and Windows, dammit! That is what bothers me with these Fragment Shaders that you can make for Blender Games… but I guess that Compositing Nodes would in no way solve that Problem.
I’d support the inclusion of node-based post-processing, that way if you need to be truly flexible and specific to what 2D filter effect you’re trying to achieve you wouldn’t have to know how to program GLSL shaders.
It would essentially make custom 2D filters accessible to artists, especially since GLSL programming is more difficult to learn than the python API functions used in the BGE to create the actual gameplay.
On the other hand if that’s not feasible for now, perhaps more options to customize the built in 2D filters would be nice, like an option to set the color for the sepia filter.
mm… Why wont composting nodes solve that problem? By composting nodes I also mean separate render layers aswell so I think it would be very good solution to that.
Whoops! guess I saw that window to adjust bloom,DOF,etc and took it for granted that there arent any nodes. :o srry.
Yes ill agree to that. btw if anyone is interested I would REALLY LOVE to implement color adjustment/color of sepia filter. you may be able to see that soon.
I can assure you that it’s possible to apply a fragment shader to just one object(actually, I think you apply it on a per-material basis), I’ve done it. I don’t remember exactly how, though. Sorry.
lemme clarify, I said just color adjustment I neither have time nor skill to do composting nodes atm but I really want to do that (maybe next yr.)
Yes, that is possible when applying GLSL as scripts but im unsure if it can handle glow (unless for simple objects like plane and cube) & some other effects. 2D filter seems to be only way to achieve em and there is no way to do per-object or per-material 3d filter for the obvious reason they are applied to whole screen rather than objects.
The material nodes are compiled into GLSL shaders just like the material options are. However, if you’re using material nodes, you might not be using light data, and calculating lighting can be a slow task.