Disk Full Bug with Blender 3.6

Blender 3.6 seems to work well however if your free space in the blender folder is insufficient to save to new model file, Blender reports an ‘error: no such path or directory’ rather than an ‘Insufficient Space’; subsequently it will not save the file and any autosaves can result in corrupted file space.
I apologize if this has already been reported, I did look but did not find it…

check your output render path, maybe it’s a wrong one…


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Good advice by Sergey. In case that doesn’t solve your problem, just want to point out that if you have THAT much space used on your HD - and it’s your system drive, you’re killing performance in other ways.

At one point (and perhaps still), keeping at least 15% free was the general best practice. Start by cleaning out your temp directory.

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From what I’ve also seen, there might be some folders’ restrictions. That might be the case either…

Thanks for mentioning this. I’ve never seen that happen, but I’ll file that info away for the point in which I eventually do.

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Thanks for the replies. This is not a render output problem but an error which occurs when you have insufficient disk space on which to save the file.

System = Win 11, latest build on a Dell 5820 with 80gb DRAM. Previously was using 3.4 version after trying and removing 3.5. 3.6 works well.

To produce the error I was saving a 3.6 version .BLEND file to a new name. File was 1.7gb with, I discovered, only 1.4 tb of free space on the disk.

This is not an operational bug but rather an error reporting/logging bug since the error reports a ‘not found save-file path’ rather than an ‘insuffient space’ error.

After removing old .blend2 and .blend3 versions of previous models, I freed up 98gb of file space on the drive. The save or ‘save as’ procedure now works just fine.

During the error investigation I found that the autosaves (I have it set for 30 minute intervals where models and ‘saves’ are being sent to the d: drive) were also being corrupted and, if I applied them, they then corrupted my updated model.
It also corrupted segments of my c/:drive where the ‘blender foundation’ files are held. I was able to track this down by using an ‘scf /scannow’ command drive

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Good advice but my system drive contains the ‘blender foundation’ release files is separate from the blender models operational drive. Renders go to a 3rd drive.

So, you should Help Menu > Report a Bug.
It will not get looked at by a developer by reporting it here.

Got it. Frustration breeds mistakes. Will report using blender/help/report a bug. Thank you