displacement maps

im writing this because i was hoping someone could help me out with something, ive been trying to get a textrue close to the strange bumpby texture on shreks waste coat (see below). however ive been trying out the blender texture but not only can i not get a very good match the bump map also doesnt match, i cant offer mutch in return for this but i was hoping someone with some knowledge of creating distorion maps would perhaps try making one for the waste coat. there is a picture below of the coat and its texture. if anyone does feel like it please let me know. much thnaks to all.


just wondering but is it possible in blender to uv map bump maps as that would be one of the ways to do it.

Have a look at the middle example in the screeny on this page:


Looks nearly identical to what you want.


just wondering but is it possible in blender to uv map bump maps as that would be one of the ways to do it.

Yes, and it’s how I would do this. Once you’ve defined UV coordinates for your model (ie unwrapped it), you can map image textures in the texture slots to “UV” in the Map Input tab. You would typically layer a color map, bump map, and specularity map in the texture slots. In the Map To tab these would be set up to affect Col, Nor, and Spec, respectively.