I’m fairly new to Blender, and this is certainly my first time playing with fancy materials. I’m trying to create a black powder coat material that I can place on a number of parts in my scene. I’m using the Musgrave texture generator as a displacement. The result looks pretty good on the preview sphere. However, when I apply materials and render (Cycles), I see the texture strongly stretched on a part that’s (a) long and (b) probably has long triangles too.
I’d like to ask if there’s a switch somewhere that lets the Musgrave scale by physical distance, rather than the geometry of the part or its triangles? In other words, to make it look like the powder coated surface I’m trying to portray? (Really hoping I don’t have to UV map every part or something like that!)
You haven’t supplied sufficient info (no examples blend file or even the material nodes)
What type of texture coordinates are you using for the musgrave texture ?
If you are using the default settings (UVs), have you laid out the UVs correctly ?
If you are using the Object texture coordinates, have you applied any object scaling (Ctrl+A) ?
See, there’s the problem: I’m noob enough that I don’t even know how to answer your questions.
I came to the forum because I don’t know how to formulate a Google search for what I’m looking for.
For the musgrave texture node you have nothing linked to its vector input. This input controls the textures coordinates so how the textures is applied to the object. If you have no input then it uses the default settings which are the object UVs. I suspect you have not UV unwrapped the object.
Add a ‘Texture Coordinate’ node and connect its ‘Object’ output to this ‘Vector’ input of the musgrave texture.
Ensure you also apply any scale that your object may have with Ctrl+A /apply scale
that’s probably a scale problem like Richard said. It’s always important to check that your object’s transform are zero for translate and rotate and 1 for scale (except special cases).