Displacement Modifier won't render but visible in 3D view

I have been following an old tutorial (2013) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIFC7NA0tSs that shows a Laser Cutting Text effect. I have been able to follow and adjust as it was early cycles days, but i have hit a problem that I simply can’t resolve, its been a few days.

Simply put the I have a Displacement Modifier on a plane, it shows displacement in the 3D view in both rendered and solid view but hit F12 and the plane has no displacement… I’m stumped.:tired_face:

the plane is suitably subdivided, the texture images work as it shows in 3D view, the Disp Mod is set for render and view enabled. I have included a test blend that has the issue.
Any help advice appreciated many thanks Willy

I’m using Blender 2.79 2017.09.11

PaintTest v1.blend (9.2 MB)

are you sure the camera icon on the modifier is enabled ?

Yes, it was in one of the other posts too.

ok thats funny, i am away from home so i cant see the file,
have you tryd to reorder the modifiers, set the Dynamic paint under the Displacement

The Dyn Paint is only required to generate the Displacement maps, once generated i don’t need it.
Same result with the Dyn Paint mod removed.

that is strange …

Sorry, but I can’t replicate the issue: Renders perfectly fine here…
(Blender 2.79b, Win 10 Home x64)

When loading this post I realized that my Version of Blender was still Nov 2017, this has been a really stable version for me till now and testament to quality of our coders and quality reviews.
I have just loaded the latest 2018 Aug version and run a test and it looks like it is working. Quick and dirty AVI but its done the trick. Thanks for your time.

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Yeah … sweet, thanks