I’ve looked everywhere I can think of for information, but haven’t found any way to generate displacement with the Nodes material editor, or, failing that use the standard layer stack to handle the displacement while keeping color and other surface properies in Nodes.
Any pointers?
there is no material displacement node…are you thinking about the displace modifier for meshes? Or the Displace node for Compositing?
Whatever will work
I’m interested in adding some detailed displacement (from ZBrush) to a Subdivision surfaced model. It will be added as a UV texture I assume. At least, that’s how I’d do it with texture layers. I keep reading how it’s possible to do everything that’d be doable with texture layers as a node tree, but if there isn’t a “Displacement” option, I don’t see how.
I should also elaborate by saying that when the majority of elements like color and specular are in Nodes mode, I can still apply normal mapping through the texture layers, but it seems to disable displacement, which is another reason I thought it might be accessible through nodes.
well, normal mapping gives some bump mapping effect.
But textures can physically displace vertices in a mesh by mapping them to Disp in the Map-To panel. Just be sure you have enuf vertices to give the granularity of displacement you want.
I definitely have enough verts–I’ve got a Subsurf modifier on it at division level 3, so something ought to happen. The normal mapping/bump shows that the map is active, at least in some channels, just not displacement…
Well, I think I solved it. Thanks for the help! You kept me poking at it loke a sore tooth longer than I would have otherwise…
I turned off “Nodes” temporarily, reloaded my displacement map texture and activated displacement, and it worked. Then I turned Nodes back on and the displacement worked with the surface textures at last…
Whew…Bug? Maybe…
UPDATE: Turns out you can’t get the renderer to recognize any changes in the intensity of the Displacement function without disabling Nodes, removing the texture, reloading it, resetting the intensity to the new value, then turning Nodes back on…
Oh, well, back to Texture layers for a while…
To make displacement work on node material you have to use the containter material for displacement(the one for which you enabled nodes),here happens the displacement.The nodes materials can’t elaborate displacement information,only bump and normal
It turns out that there’s a repeatable bug in RC2 that keeps any displacement material from being adjusted. If there’s no normal channel activated, displacement can be made to work, but the sliders have no effect unless you remove the texture, make a new one and make the adjustment. If a bump map is used, no displacement happens at all. I’ve reported it as a bug already.