Displacement Texture to nodes

Hey guys,
I have created a cloud texture in the texture properties for my displacement modifier. Now I want to use this texture in my material nodes. How can I do that?

(discplacement texture)

My goal:
I want the dark sprinklers to not wander around randomly, but based on the increases like with a seperate xyz the colour is in the deeper regions.

I have provided you with a .blend file below. Where it is easier to understand maybe.

Test1.blend (898.2 KB)

thank you to all who help me <3

I think you can use geometry nodes as a workaround for this (never tried it myself):


I can confirm now that it works, but I had to use geometry nodes also for the displacement itself (using the modifier somehow lead to inconsistencies, I guess the evaluation of the position vector is different)

texture_to_shader.blend (131.3 KB)

Thanks for your answers i will try it, but do you also know how i can get the “cloud” from above to my materials as node ? or something else

Only one way I know to get the Blender internal Cloud Texture to nodes and it is a bit of a HACK… ( it is basically just the Noise Texture)… and that is to use the Cloud as a texture in Texture Paint and using a Gradient, Paint onto a Plane…then SAVE the Texture as an Image Texture…then you can import and use as you like…