Display selected verts or faces

Is there a way to display the count of the vertexes selected?
I’m switching from Maya to Blender, in Maya there is a way to display the amount of selected verts. Does Blender have that option?

I ask because it appears I am not welding correctly. When I applied a SubD, I see holes in the mesh…it appears the verts are not welded.

  1. To show the number of selected vertices, you just need to enable statistics.

  1. merge the proximity points with Merge. (Hotkey M)



You may also try Mesh → Merge by Distance or the weld modifier… or enable auto merge vertices at the top right… right from meshsymmetry (Butterfly like icon) XYZ…

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Thank you, oo_1942. Thank you, Okidoki. I clearly need to learn more about Blender.

  1. It appears, when I select verts in shaded mode, I was not selecting the verts behind the front face verts. I needed to select all the verts in Wireframe/X Ray mode, to select back face verts.

  2. Then the “Merge by Distance” you both recommended worked; I can Sub D and it works.

Another Question: Is there a good way to select front and back facing verts in shaded mode? Or do I always need to select verts in Wireframe/X Ray mode?

I’m not sure what exatly you mean…

  • different facing normals ?? Then there is the face orientation overlay…
  • select similar normals ? then ther is … select simiar… normals
  • slecting without X-rays also only selects “front faced vertex/edges/polys”

You may have to elaborate this to get a more suited answer.

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If you want to select the whole mesh, or mesh island, then hover the cursor over the mesh and press L. This selects all Linked points on the mesh.
Or press A to select All.

You are using backfacing in a confusing manner. In Blender, backfacing is the inner face, the opposite of the face normal.

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The usual method is to activate X-Ray (a little annoying process) :slightly_smiling_face:


Or try Addon at the link below (free)

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Thank you, so much.

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