Dissolving a complicated scene

I’m working on a scene where my character is running, and everything behind them — including particle trees, a water simulation, and the ground — starts dissolving dynamically as they move forward.

Would it make sense to try exporting the entire scene into a VDB or some other format for efficient handling, or is there a better workflow within Blender? How should I approach creating a consistent dissolve effect across such diverse elements (particles, water, and mesh objects)?

I appreciate any advice or tips you can provide. Thanks in advance!


What exactly do you mean by dissolve? Because my answer would be different depending on the look you seek.

Are you trying to make the objects just fade into transparency? Are you trying to make them fall apart into dust? Did you have a specific look in mind?

I’m aiming for the objects to fall apart into dust.

Well, this is going to be a bit difficult, the particle trees really do close some doors. I have an idea that involves compositing, using a textured wall of volume as a mask to fade the scene away. This is going to be the least performance intensive way I can think of and it works with any type of surface. Only, you need to know how to use view layers and holdout, and do some basic compositing for this to work.

The monkeys are particles, to show that it works.

Here is the scene. I expect that you will need some explanation if you don’t know view layers well. Ask me if you need it.
scene_fade.blend (1.9 MB)

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Thanks, this really helps!

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