is there a built-in function for calculating the distance between an object and the view-port?
i want to get the closest object:
is there a built-in function for calculating the distance between an object and the view-port?
i want to get the closest object:
don’t think this exist at all
but you can between the camera and an object !
in viewport you see everything in the world !
and don’t think there is any reference for the zoon in/out function for viewport
ni-ko-o-kin, you mean the distance from a point in the 3D space to the viewport surface? try this:
rv3d =["Default"].areas[4] #typically: bpy.context.space_data.region_3d
distance_to_origin = rv3d.view_matrix.to_translation().length #combine this view_matrix with the location of your point!
not following here !
where is located the viewport compared to the world scene ?
how can you calculate the distance to viewport ?
what exactly does this function return? there is no change to the return value when i change my location in the 3d-space in the viewport, i get the same value: 14.988…
Try zoom, you will find the difference.
Look also at the few functions from bpy_extras.view3d_utils module (you will find the folder of bpy_extras Python package in 2.59\scripts\modules of the standard Blender installation)
Great! Now it works. I had the wrong context.
bpy_extras.view3d_utils: know them already. very useful functions!
thx a lot for the hints!