I updated my OpenGl driver and…
It works!!!
I updated my OpenGl driver and…
It works!!!
WAHOO! Now we know why it didn’t work!
But I use a bigger font than you…!
Do you really think so?
Damn, you can only use up to 24?
he he he!
ps:Thanx Saluk,another big help from you!
Yes, I tried it also bigger, but it didn’t work.
saluk, you are AWESOME!
and this will work on a computer that doesn’t have blender installed?
I tried it on a xp machine with the plugin installed but not blender…
I had problems on my machine if I did not type it in directly from the command prompt. No biggie. I don’t need to distribute to myself.
oh, and look at the distrobution stuff in the license…
oh, and don’t try running blender this way over a network (windoze filesahring). Or try, I don’t think it will work
You have to have the Blender.exe file in there, so if you didn’t even have blender on there of course it wouldn’t work.
Yeah, but if you distribute the blender exe, then the person downloading your game doesnt need to download blender as well. It’s silly to distribute this way to those who already have blender, as it forces them to download 2 megs more than they really need to. Also, I’m not sure about the distribution liscenses and how much they still stand, so use this information at your own risk.
I think if you include the two .txt files that come with blender then its fine. If you are sneaky and hide the exe under a different filename, and dont distribute the .txt files, your breaking the liscense, but I’m not sure what that means now.
Good luck with your games everyone.
read the above post
look at this thread
and in my world my batch file looked like this:
cd C:\Nick’s\blender
C:\progra~1\blender\blender -W -F shadowPlayBelowGround.blend
where c:\Nick’s\Blender is where the file is
and blender is in c:\program files\blender
… and then it worked