How would one set up point distribution on faces with variable density fading out? Imagine blue dots representing said fading density as an example.
Distribute points to fade out.blend (1.2 MB)
How would one set up point distribution on faces with variable density fading out? Imagine blue dots representing said fading density as an example.
Distribute points to fade out.blend (1.2 MB)
Thank you, but I’m still getting a bit stuck with this.
I already have very specific selection process based on a splat map I’m trying to build on. So, the selection is set by raycasting a plane of a specific shape determined by a Texture node (and can’t be influenced by any outside object) - now I’m looking on how to literally blur edges of that selection and distribution to follow that buffer zone.
I don’t want to go too much into details here. Let’s say, you have a selection based on Raycast node. How would you go from there?
You can add some randomness to the ray direction, basically you can create a random vector between -1 and 1 and scale that value, then add that to your ray direction. The higher the scale the higher the blur basically…
This is interesting! Not exactly what I had in mind, but it helps in a different way.
I think in my complex use case, the problem is elsewhere in the node tree, not the way the distribution is done after all.