Do dupliverts work in game enigne?

I’ve used select-random and dupliverts to randomly place duplicates of an object…
But when i pres “P” to view it ‘in engine’ all i see is the origonal object…

Am i doing somthing wrong?

Here is a an image of my model, but only the box marked with the red X shows in game mode?

Its made by deleting random vertexes (and all faces) of a sphere then parenting it with a cube and using dupliverts.

Is it as simple as not using dupliverts ingame or have i just ballsed up somthing in the settings?


dupliverts don’t work in the game engine

you ought to be able to make them real with control+shift+a

Im using the latest version and it says that function is now only available through the modifiers menu… but i cant find it in there??? Any ideas what to do?

/Edit… whoops i had the wrong object selected…

Thank you :smiley:

Ok i now have another dilema…I want to make them spin round an axis central to the sphere they where dotted around… except now they are all indervidual objects… how do i remedy this rotation problem?

Sorry to be sucha n00b and thanks again.

/EDIT nevermind, im a muppet/n00b, just had to parent them up

make that sphere the parent of all of them

[select them all, then select the sphere, the hit control+p]

animate the sphere rotating, they’ll all rotate around with it