Otherwise your mind will go into explosion mode and there will only be 60 seconds on the clock.
OK, I won’t.
He got me.
It’s a shame, pixelmass, that a great mind like yours is wasting away here in Off-Topic.
You should join the no-lock Blender Fun Forum, where you can spam all you want and only Civx will be annoyed.
I am SICK of seeing these freaking pointless threads around here!
I am SICK that you keep pushing good threads off into pages 2,3, and 4!
I am SICK that you have to waste pixels that could be used for something meaningful!
Get out of this forum, and go somewhere else and spam. You will be banned soon for this.
Relax, Pixelmass is just being some soon-to-be grandparent having fun.
Or is he trying too hard to re-enact the days when he was a young-in?
Oh, I just realized, when was the last time we saw you (Pixelmass) do anything in Blender?
What is that? A picture of the moon you threw a balloon filled with paint at?
You failed to attract my attention with the title.
Sorry about that. Maybe I should have started a meaningful thread about an xbox or a wii. No doubt that would be something that is interesting for you. :o
Errr, I already am. Can’t reverse time. My “young-in” days have passed long ago, they were fun, I still remember them, although I don’t think that I would want to repeat them. As for my latest work, I think that I have a cube down, now all I have to do is give it a material and some texture, that is, after I can figure out how blender works.
And to everyone else, I will not “bug” you for a while. Enjoy your lives, try to take some time out to smell the flowers (and look at them too, they are hard to model!)
I personally think pixelmass mast be on the forum… long story to say why!
and ha! if most of you know that pixelmass do pointless threads, why on the earth you all reading from top to down and replying… that is if you have other important things to do or… say… having fun here are we?! :no:
he say it BTW, <i>DO NOT LOOK AT THIS</i>
Whey not is like cool that what i see:D
nice avatar Civx .