A water/river addon would be freekin cool. I’ve seen how some other engines handle setting up a river and it simply amazing. If I get a minute later, I’ll try and find a link to show what I mean.
But ya… everything you listed I give a thumbs up to. I only wish I had the brains to be able to actually make some of these things.
various effects: explosions, fire, water, windows that break, magnetism, transparencies, a thousand other things … probably need several items. (so perfect for the add-on)
Preferably I’d rather stuff lightly.
the best things I’ve seen are always small!
It is not what I would think of, but as MarcoIT has stated, such small Things can be good to have. Foliage Editors and such (not necessarily that). Concerning Water, I would love a Ripple-Simulation – the only one I have found on this Forum is not realtime and I have not yet achieved that myself. :{
Transparencies? You have, you can set Alpha Textures to handle any Alpha. : o
Though I already looked into Destructability.
Hey! Someone could make a List where People put all those little Wished down of tiny Things that they would like to see – just such as I and MarcoIT just mentioned, I mean. That even could inspire some Folks to do these Things.
You can do this already. No Addons needed.
You even explained how you would do that (wich is just one option). Make it in a way that others can use it as well.
I mean:
easy to use
well documented
without dependencies to other things that are not present
non-invasive add-on, I noticed that some add-on is difficult to remove.
in more than removing an object that would be nice to also delete all other connected
possible or difficult?
I definitely think that an updated fps template and a shader bundle with a menu scene are needed. I have been working on an fps template for a while, but I cant handle making a good menu system. There’s a thread where some guy made a extremely complicated menu system for socials fps template. It would be nice to combine those two.
Could we build a thread in the resource’s section, adding small, easily scale-able .blend files as plugins? Each person could go in, offer to donate a piece here and there. Some things would be simple, for animators or artists, but the script champions could toss in some useful things too.
Some philanthropist could pull all the .blends people send him/her, and post them in the front of the thread for ease of use. People could make a “wish list”, posting their fixes, etc.
Rules would have to be made… the .blends should be small, unpolished or rough to allow the introduction of originality. The files must be easy to manipulate and, of course, have a link nearby that points out a tutorial (if thought to be difficult to understand).
Rather than add ons I would go the well documented templates with shader bundle route too, its a very practical and ‘simple’ solution that utilises what blender already has without extending the application.
Edit: The two addon’s that would be nice though are an efficient folliage manager and a CLOD/Voxel terrain.
Ok. i think i will start working on hello_world addon for now and extend it a further and see where i can go.
i have a lot to learn about blender internal python before getting into it, so i’ll try my level best to pull this off slowly.
The only limitation for an addon is that it will only be able to hold text data, that can contain code for reconfiguring blender ui or adding new items to blender, which means it will be tricky for adding textures or blend directly.
@CA Ligari
i think it’s a good idea to make a new thread for a wish list for BGE.
if we’re able to make some of those wishes into reality it’d be a great achievement.
i think it’s a splendid idea. can you redo it? i think i was hoping to achieve the same thing.
i think we can extend/make more such useful add-ons for game engine.
it will be good if your addon be updated and commited to the official addon repository.
Regarding the real-time console, i think a better knowledge of bgui can make it i think.
can you perhaps make such a thread?
i think there was Monster’s idea where users can generalize a theme and add their own models to the scene. there was strict rules and procedure for that. the link for that thread is here. A similar idea for user contributed templates/shader bundle will be cool.
for things that are out of the limitations of an addon, i think better documented templates/resources would do the trick. but the first person camera imo is a must see inbuilt feature made possible via an addon/ by blender build itself.
Sorry if I’m unnecessarily bringing this thread back from the dead, but I was at work and just had a thought.
Could an add-on be written to save game Engine as runtime for other operating systems other than the one you may be working on?
So that if you’re working on a Mac and you want to be able to export a version of your game for Linux or Windows, you can.
Just a thought.
What about some sort of text handling? Like for menus and stuff? For me that’s the biggest setback, at the moment I feel that using text in the bge is a bit of a drag, usually I just bypass that whole thing by adding images with text on 'em Just my two cents