Do you have lots of ideas

Here is a Question that alltaken and i were talking about in #blenderchat.

do have lots of ideas about anything not just blender. or do you have very few ideas. and do you have alot of inspiration or no?

well i have alot of ideas all the time and never get half of them done. and i get unispired about once every every six months and get really down in the dumps about it. like when i posted that thing about being tired of blender that was posted during one of those times of uninspiration.

too many ideas. not enough time.
try keeping a small notebook with you at all times…the more you use it, the more you will feel the need to use it.

Man, I have ideas all the time for so many difforent projects – animation, music, computer programming, drawing, writing, etc – but I never manage to get ANYTHING done. Normally through the course of a day I switch interests dozens of times and start countless projects. Then the next day I never return to my previous ideas. It’s actually very depressing. I’m beginning to lose confidance in my ability to accomplish anything, because I haven’t actually finished anything yet. I know I have the skills, as I am pretty good at all of the aforementioned catagories, but I very much lack the focus and determination to follow through with an idea…

I have a lot of ideas and so do my friends, but we don’t have the space and the resources to see them through. i.e. equipment, material, tools, studio etc…

i never have ideas, but ive almost always got the time


I’ve got plenty of ideas… at the moment I have two book wannabes on my harddisk, waiting to be finished. Not to mention dozens of graphical novel manuscripts and graphical novels under work.

Then there is always my regular pen and paper drawings and paintings, which I more often get finished. :smiley:

Many, many ideas…but crappy, crappy computer :wink:

I have many ideas but don’t have time and sometimes I am a little lazy :-? to do something :expressionless: and like “Friday13” says crappy, crappy computer…

–>@|ê <–

My ideas equation:

I have tons of ideas as well. But that’s to be expected with my condition. What gets people like that into trouble is when they act upon the ideas with non-practical judgement. Now with my meds, my mind has quieted down so much. This is actually what scares many aways from them is they’re afraid of losing their creativity. What I learned is you don’t lose the ideas, you simply control them. Most bipolars never know what it’s like to be able to control a mind that has been forever unquiet. Now whenever people in the groups ask me about it affecting their creativity, I tell them yeah, if they let it. However if they learn to use it, it can become a tool more powerful than they have ever known. Productivity goes through the roof, as well as efficiency due to better perception of the practical. It allows me to filter down through the ideas to the highest priority and most practical for the moment.

That is what is nice about 3D art, or even art in general. You do not have to have much practical thinking in your decisions of content. You can even create a space station if you want. I even consider Open Source a type of art, as you can express yourself in many ways and you can make even seemingly unpractical ideas take shape.

I have ideas all the time, I want to make them…but I’m saying to myself: You need to finish the exodus!..but sometime I get desesperated about only working on 1thing…and I get some low moment with blending, cause I don’t want to work on something else…but I don,t work on T-E because I want to do something else… :frowning: it’s been a week now that I made nothing really…except my train station anim which I’ll post in a few min.

I need to work on T-E…but I seem to never have “enough” time…bah…