Do you model the hair separate or together ? What graphics tools do You use?

I was thinking there was no need to model anything on a head except the face, ears, maybe and then just the hair shape.

What do you usually do? And why, please.

Thanks very much.

  1. Then of course, how do you model your hair for painting?

  2. How do you handle the edges? (Mine dont look very life like).

  3. Do you use a high poly for your texture and then apply it to the low poly? Or do you start with the low poly & texture?

  4. What do you use to paint your skins with and why (easy, just like it, never used anything else, etc)? Or, I just scan in my skin. smile.

Thanks again for any info…

Experiment, experiment, experiment. Place planes in an overlapping way on the head. Assign a low-res alpha texture on the planes.

You’re done. No offense, but work with stuff before asking a bunch of questions. Maybe you already have, but God gave you critical thinking skills…USE 'EM!!

Keep workin’!


Edit: Ha ha, no offense!! That sounded really grumpy!

Yeah, it did sound rude and was a waste of space.

I have created hair in about 7 different ways, but that was modeling, not for the game engine.

I use about 5 different graphics/drawing programs to accomplish everything. I think there must be a better way, which is why I asked.

I have used the hair on planes, and I am the one who suggested faking fur by using lots of planes to simulate fur and animate them in another thread.

That sir was not the question. Use your critical thinking skills to read what I asked, please. Then let me know OK? ok.

I would like to know what others here do, for use in the GE. I havent had the luxury to play very many video games. But think good hair and skin is the way to go. I have been going on my imagination alone to complete my models.

I know that realism and game engine dont really go hand in hand. Realism costs power. So I have experimented with both skin and hair effects. I am not really happy with the results and cant seem to find a happy medium. Does that help?

From the downloads here I have only found on human modeled in a game. It was very interesting to see how she was put together, no body, just clothes. And her mouth texture was cool too. I would love to see more of how people handle this.

Thank you,

relax… it’s all good!..:wink:

here’s a link to a how a realworld game artist did it… just one of the ways… be sure to look at his other tuts… the guys a goldmine… they are mostly for max but 3d modeling is 3d modling…

LOL, oh I am relaxed, trust me on that. I just would like to know how folks handle this in the GE. OH and what tools they use. Thanks for taking to time to answer.

I know how Mmph! does it. He explained it in the modeling forum. Great work. And one of the reasons it came to mind what others do here.

Thank you for the link, Ive been there, hes great isnt he? He is in my file of links below. How do you do it then? What are your tricks with blender?

This is blender ARTIST dot org, right? oh my goodness. Smiling out loud.

sweet!.. hmm well I would proberly do it his way… cos it uses less resources( I haven’t made any characters to date… mainly interested particles/physics…and other things… but will have to eventually) depends on what kinda of hair you’re trying to make… also I would have a lot of reference photopgraphs of peoples hair while making it… so instanced alpha planes with hand painted or edited photo’s of hair… I’ve got no blender specific tips… but that way of making fur looks kinda interesting… but you’d need some sort of procederal texture maker for that… I suppose I could do it in photoshop…