Do you need to fill Mesh when seperating parts? How do you remove inside mesh?

Hi All!

I have two questions that would be amazing if you can answer.

I have created a character face model and of course need to seperate the features (eyes and hair) from the head. Questions I have are:

  1. When you seperate parts of a model (I highlighted the hair from mesh, “P” to seperate from mesh) I made it, it’s own object and parented it to the face…However it opens up the head where it is seperated and under the hair. Do you have to CLOSE the meshes to make them whole? Assuming you can’t leave them open when you serperate a mesh?

  2. The character model is hollow of course, so wondering, with the inside of the character model, you will never see the inside of the model, however I can see the mesh faces. Do you or should you be hiding the mesh faces to save on performance? Do they auto hide when a mesh is closed in game engines, or do you have to remove the inside mesh faces in Blender?

I notice with models and on tutorials that when a creator is making a character model, they design the face, then put the eyeball/eye over the top of the model, so the model is closed. I also notice when the do hair, it is made ontop of the head, so the head is closed.

I have created a model as a whole and now seperating the hair/eyes (doing 2d Eyes) and as I don’t want the Sub Divide/Smooth to blend with the hair/eyes and want them to be seperate, I have noticed when you seperate them, there is a Hole in the mesh, so want to know if I need them filled in? Does it affect the game engine if the mesh isn’t fully filled in?

Thank you for your help with this silly question I’m sure!

In technical terms, you won’t see major savings, since the renderer figures out things based on “bounding volumes” so it will discard huge chunks of geometry at any given moment.

I usually leave everything open since other type of geometry covers up everything. I just got bored cutting base meshes all the time, so I just have everything separated. :slight_smile:

99% of chances that you have your characters in full-clothes or full-armor so you don’t know which parts of the body are visible or hidden. At least having them separated makes it easier to combine them and have a design as a foundation.

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Hi Const!

Thank you for your answer, so you don’t have to close a mesh/model then? Fully Wrap I mean? I thought you might have to fully wrap a model and not leave it “open”. As I have seperated the Hair from the Head and now the top part of the head is “open” (not wrapped). It can’t be seen as the hair is there, however as a Seperated Model. Hope this makes sense.