Documentation on the SCA model


I just want to know if anyone knows of good documentation/wiki/tutorial/explaination of the sensor-controller-actuator concept.

I know what it is ( I think I know :wink: ), but I could not find any information on the background, like benefits and limits, where it takes place in the game loop etc… I’m pretty sure there is a good reason why it was choosen for the BGE.

The most documents I know just say it is there, do this and that to configure a sensor etc…
So I think there are a lot of BGE users just wondering why they have to use the SCA.

If we can present a good explaination, this could help to understand the BGE alot.

Maybe it is somewhere under a different name (like MVC -model/view/controller)

Interesting question.

I think you were looking for something BGE related, but I did a bit of internet digging and the best hit I got from google was with the search string “sensor controller actuator paradigm”.

I went through the first 3 pages of results and got a load of hits to *.pdf articles and papers from different fields.

Most of it is not directly related to the game engine, but seeing how the SCA control model operates in different enviroments shows just how useful and adaptable the SCA model is.

I’d be interested to know if there is some in-depth documentation specifically related to the game engine that I could look at though. The original design documents especially could be very interesting.

paradigm is a good keyword to search. Yes there are some statements. It seams there is no document that really explains this paradigm. They just reference the sensor-controller-actuator paradigm.
The best thing I found is SAN = sensor actuator network, but I’m not sure if this is that what we have with the BGE. We have independend entities, each with sensors, and actuators.

Maybe I find more…

Just to let you know, the whole SCA model is only for logic bricks. My guess on why it was picked was that it might have been a simple way to get a visual programming language done.

I saw a document that said exactly that. They call it orchestra and reference blender and mindstorm. So they derived from Blender :smiley: