Does anyone know any free tone generators?

Hello! This is my second thread ever. I like Blender, and other 3D programs, but I also like audio programs. I use Magix Music Maker 11 Deluxe, Audacity, and Wavepad. I would like to use sweeping tones for some effects I could put in Blender animations, or even just to make sound effects for fun. The problem is, Audacity makes tones, but not sweeping tones, which smoothly goes from one pitch, for example 100 Hz, to 1000 Hz, in a specified amount of time. Basically, I’m wondering if anyone knows a free program like NCH Tone Generator. I have heard that NCH Tone Generator is free, but it’s not. It’s a free trial. Thanks in advance! : )

I think there is one call fruit loops or something rather. Good luck with your music and be sure to send us a link as to what you have come up with.

yeah fruit loops is good…well so iv heard…but i think it you have to pay?? i can not remember

Its Fruity Loops, and its pretty expensive(300-400$)

Argh, abotu a year ago I found this great free package on the net that looked somewhat ugly, but it had a mini app exactly what youre looking for…

Ha, so sorry, that was kind of useless :slight_smile: I guess just try google for a bit.

Fruity loops is a full music making application that costs like 300$ or something. You can download the free trial but you can’t save what you make. Fruity loops is probably one of the easiest sound applications to learn there is.

Have you tried looking for free VST plug-ins? I read on magix music makers web page that it can act as a VST host. I think a VST soft synth could probably give the effect your looking for, I have seen ones that specialize in ambient pads.

Ha, I’m an idiot :frowning: Yeah , free VST is what you want, good call pm_boy.

There is a good free music creation program with VST support as well as some native synths/effects called Psycle. If you are on Linux you may want to try out LMMS, which is similar to Fruity Loops.

Many VSTs have this as an option, set them to mono mode with a non 0 value for … Argh I can’t remember what it is called, the name of it starts with “port”

Its here

Perhaps what you want is a sweep tone generator.

Here is a linky for you.

Cool program, but I don’t seem to be able to get it to save a wav file.

I dunno, it works for me. After you generate a tone or sweep you get a save to file button, the default is .wav. Hmmm.

Just a note of caution, if you have your system hooked up to a powered amplifier system or stage monitors, start out with the volume at low and keep the frequecies within the range of your system. Like for sound checks and such. I think it may be possible to blow out your amps or speakers if you get too carried away. :slight_smile:

When I click the save file button I get an open file dialogue box instead of a save dialogue box and the file isn’t saved.

Yep, when you hit save file you are presented with an open file option and a drop down navigator.
What I do is pilot to my desktop and then hit open file. It saves a .wav file on the desktop. When you hit open file the program will save the file in the directory selected. Kind of a weird
way to do things, but it works for me. (At least on my windoz xp machine)

Years ago I sold electronics at a large warehouse club store. We had a laptop with all the sound blaster apps, once of which would create sweeping tones (wave doctor I think). I looped the laptop through a 600 Watt per channel amp and into large 15" KLH speakers. I drove them at 10 Hz and full volume on the amp. They worked as great fans for several minutes until a loud popping sound was heard. Note: 10 Hz and 600 Watts were in the rated limits of the speakers. They just did not state how long the speakers would last at that level. Moral of the store, yes you can kill speakers this way, just make sure you don’t own the ones you kill. LOL

Sorry I didn’t reply! No matter how hard I looked, I coulnd’t find this thread! Then, a few seconds ago, I figured out about the “View all threads started by YellowLambo” button on my CP. Thanks for the links shadowbane, kkrawal, and pixelmass. Just a few hours ago I found out about AVS Audio Editor, which makes tone sweeps. So, my problem is solved! But, the thing is, what are VST plug-ins? I don’t really know what they are. Are they like Python plug-ins for audio software? Are some free?

Thanks for all the links! My problem is solved. I also found out about AVS Audio Editor which does tone sweeps. :slight_smile: