Does anyone use E-on Vue?

I’ve been thinking of looking into e-on vue for nice grass and trees and clouds and stuff. Usually there’s a Udemy course about every software, but no luck as far as I can tell with Vue. Their YouTube channel looks good though. I haven’t browsed their documentation, I should find out if it’s available before sale or after sale or both or neither.

I’m just being social… I’ll do my homework and will research more before seeing what kinds of price packages they’ve got. Graswald would be my next choice. On the plus side, I don’t have to leave Blender with Graswald. On the plus side of Vue… it seems like it does more including trees blowing in the wind and shrubbery and stuff and it probably does it pretty well because it’s dedicated software.

Anyone use both? Any preference? Praise? Hang-ups? Complaints?

Forgot to mention my setup - Ryzen 7 and a Nvidia 2060. Only 16GB RAM at this point - but going to 32 soon. Not bleeding-edge, but not half bad. Don’t know how performance is for Vue, but Blender’s really responsive partly because I’m just learning and I don’t require much from it.