When I want to post a pic of my challenges I have to use a different program to grab a screen shot and save, etc.
Does blender have a way to do this? Grab a screen shot?
Thank you… smile
Yes . Up at the top File ->(below Save Image) Dump Sub Window or Dump Screen .
Wow, thank you, thank you thank you, but I have a weird thing happening, a BUG??? on no! LOL
The first time I did f3 I got a picture of the bottom of the screen, the bottom window.
Then I put my mouse in the object window and did F3 again, and I got a picture of the project I was working on before this one! Not a pic of the monkey.
Any ideas?
F3 is to save a render . Ctrl- F3 will save sub window (the one your cursor is in) .Ctrl-Shift-F3 will grab the whole screen .
OH, I really am laughing out loud. Thank you so much, oh my dislexia bit me in the … again!
Its interesting though that it saves the last image it renedered even though thats not in this project at all.