Does BlenderJobs Work For You?

I was wondering how well the BlenderJobsweb site works for people. Whenever I go there doesn’t seem to be very many jobs listed, so I have to wonder how many people outside the Blender community are aware of it’s existence. Is there anybody here who has been able to find consistent Blender work through the BlenderJobs site?

I think it should be integrated either here or at just like at CGTalk. Like at the top of this forum, there is news, articles, gallery etc. Why not put a jobs link there? Even if it just linked to the other site.

yea, i think that would look a lot better and atract more attention

i personaly only been there 1s and never came back couze there isnt anything new on there

Yeah, and while we’re at it why not have a link to the BMR too.

…if some jackass hadn’t hacked it.


yep, blenderjobs raises mixed feelings with me.
it is a great idea; only problem is getting commercial interest in it.
ive sent several emails to agencies in germany, but most of them either do the 3d themselves (most CAD progs have their 3d plugin) or already have someone.
i guess not many are daring enough to employ a freelancer over an open source project…

those hackers were a pain in the butt! that was a time where you were plugging security leaks in joomla like crazy. embarrassing blunder, but it happens.

i always hope that the general direction of the site is right; that people are happy with it; thing is, its difficult to tweak it with very little feedback. most people lean back and watch what happens :wink:

i wonder what will be like; i chatted with the author and hope he is successful! i work full time with family and honestly dont have too much time left over.

if it threw off a bit of cash i would be more interested :wink: