Does doesn't open-revolving door on the axis Bricks


I don’t know what it could be, but the door doesn’t open with a press of a key. I used a hamilton video tutorial as well as an older one on how to animate a revolving door on it’s axis.

I originally viewed Mr Hamilton’s clip last month and setup a collision box, but I wasn’t able to animate the door at the time. So I left it, now it all seems a bit confusing.



a revolving door is made of may colliders compound parented to a rigid body root object, set the mass pretty high, on the root object, and use a rigid body join constraint to setup the spin axis, now the player should be able to push the door, and it should spin…

Oh, no, the player presses a key to open the doors, it is a storage bay. They are all animated.

So it should work? That brick setup there should work to open the top right door.

collision player-----and-----------toggle bool

if bool Equal False------and-----------play closed animation

if boil equal True--------and--------play open animation

Oh by inverting the first brick on the left, keyboard, that makes it work. Though it opens and then closes, so I want it to remain open until I close.

On second thoughts, it works, all I did was change the frame from 20 to 10. It works as it should!

Lastly, I also noticed my robot went through a wall, all walls are static.

No I can use a key to activate the doors but that was where I was when I began, I forgot about that. The near or collision is useless. So having the doors open or close within range of the player is the goal.

collision player-----and-----------toggle bool

Collision brick? with player and ? Where is toggle bool? Boolean? Where is that?


property actuator, make a property that is a bool, use it to open/close the door

property Bool is True-------and--------play Opening animation

property Bool is False------and---------play closed animation

I added a property actuator, nothing, I did add a game property set that to boolean and player.

On page 118 Chapter 3, Logic bricks, there is Add, Assign, copy, and toggle.

you need a property actuator set to toggle, to change the property from False to True, etc.

you need 2 property actuators that are triggered by the property

Property equal False------and--------play animation closed

Property equal True--------and-------play animation open

I normally use a property based animation, and manipulate a value using the Boolean…

Leaving the above aside.

I was just editing the map, and after I saved my progress, the program closed. Not only that, I noticed something about the storage doors were out of alignment, so I deleted the animations for all of them, so I’ve done one again. How ever that aside too, the robot has some animation that also plays if the doors open and close, along with an animated Armature I have setup. I have only just noticed that, since everything was at a distance I could never of known that.

I took a look at the Dope sheet, various Actions have multiple users, is that somehow connected together?