well here is random question does glsl work on intel gma 4500 or is it partially supported
well here is random question
A random question. Switch to GLSL view mode and see. Though in previous posts you’ve said yourself it doesn’t.
i just wanted to check if it supproted it completly or partially thats it cuz i can see the glsl acting in the game engine or the viewport
yes i think so, look at this link, it states it supports shader 4.0 and opengl 2.0
and opengl 2.0 was the first to support GLSL, (from the final standard)
and look here (go to 3d features compasrison near bottom, in the intel gma 4500 column)
thank you now i know that it is supported partially or fully atleast one of them thank you alot
well i have tried glsl on my comp it work out fine under normal material settings and i play it in the bge but here is the real thing but when i add textures to the object then it the bge goes all boinkers but if i add a modifier to it bge works out fine
ok fine here is a test i took a uvspehere with the default settings and a plane
then i added mat to the plane and uvsphere and ran the game it worked out fine
after that i added a random texture to the uvsphere and ran the game
without modifier
contd on the next post
ok so with modifier (any modifier can be used not anyone inparticular but i tend to use array as u can set the count to 1 so it doesnt effect the mesh)
so can anyone please reply to this
i dont understand your question, what the modifier have with the texture?
try to uv unwrap the mesh then aply a material to the mesh with the texture that you had unwraped, i think that this ll work.
well ihave already unwrapped it wether it be unwrapped or not if you add a modifier like an array to the mesh then only the glsl shows up in my version of 2.49 and all of the versions of the 2.5 and btw i dont know wat the modifier has with the texture but it makes it show up in the game engine
weird, try to post the .blend, then I ll take a look for you!
it will look fine on ur comp but on mine it doesnt thats the thing so even if i post the blend it will work fine on yours but not on mine
so if anyone else with this card maybe could help
so please reply and bump
Textures ( procedural)don’t work on the game engine, only Materials!
wat do you mean by procedural texures not working in the ge i know it doesnt
ok i uploaded the file
prob.blend (241 KB)
Well, you forgot to pack the file ( texture image missing)!
I’ve loaded one of mine and it works!
Don’t forget to switch to “Shaded Mode” ( Alt-Z) before pressing the P key!
ok i dont think u understood wat i mean ok well here is the thing i did all the steps and then i see it in the shaded view and it looks fine but when i see it in the game engine it goes bionkers and then if i add a modifier to the mesh it works fine so thats the thing
so if anyone could help me know y do i have to add a modifier only then it shows up
Well, if the “modifier trick” works, just use it…why not…computers and programming could be “magic” too!
ok yea thanks for keeping up with me well here is my last question and thanks for all the help but do modifiers take up extra comp memory
Sorry, I don’t know! Probably not, if you don’t use them a lot?!
Modifiers ( some) now work in the Game Engine, but its not the “usual” way!
Your problem its quite weird but I don’t have an Intel card so I can’t reproduce it!
ya i know its the weirdest problem well i hope so that they dont use much as i mostly will be using edgesplit with both the settings off