Does My Avatar Bug You?

Just want to know. I’m not gonna change it. Just want the concensus here.


You avatar is not annoying. But it really looks like one of my school teachers (no, wait…he/she/IT looks uglier than that :stuck_out_tongue: )

I so badly want to hack several corporate websites that all make use of a stock photo of a woman sitting at her computer. The same woman, many different companies- and make them all you!!!

I find it strangely erotic…

It, err… stands out?

its…strange…something beyond average… :-?

If I hadn’t seen it before, I would’ve found it odd.

Whenever I scan through any Topics fast, I can always tell when you have posted.

Nick V

alittle went I first saw it. :smiley:

  • ADL7

I like it, it’s funnier than hell :smiley:

Although it’ll probably give me nightmares, I think it’s hilarious!

No don’t change it, I like it, it’s funny, it’s very Ontarian. :wink:

That’s one of the most hideous and amusing things I have ever seen.

Well, thanks for the replies guys. Seems as thoug you are all pretty evenly split on the issue.

But, I’m keeping it. :stuck_out_tongue:


It scares the hell out of me, but hey, it’s destinctive, so people instantly know when you have posted from it.

Whenever I see it, even out of the corner of my eye, I mentally yelp, “AIEE! Not that…that…thing again!!!”


It give me nightmares

It is freaky, it scares me, and it reminds me of this one Aphex Twin albumn cover… :o

Urgh!!!..That is the the most ugly thing I have ever seen (well… except my biology teacher… oooh nasty). I think I saw this picture in a presentation you get in the e-mail.

it was good times… I think I’ll miss your old avatar-