Does my table look like a milk choclate table?

Well i posted my table on a forum and some dude said it looked like a milk chocolate table here have a look:
So what does anyone think? i also tried to make it look normal but i don’t know this is how it turned out:
Does this model look wrong, if so someone tell me please. and any suggestions on how to make it look more real would help :D, considering im a noobie im not sure whats right and wrong.

As far as the modelling goes my only crit is that where the legs meet the table there is an odd crease/pinch thing going on and it just doesn’t look right imo. However a good bit of texturing goes a long way, unfortunately I’m not that great at texturing. You could try posting this in the texturing section and see if you can get some good ideas on how to make it look more like a wood table.

Yeah, it really looks like a melting chocolate bar. :smiley:
But as Peasley said the main problem is the texturing, not the model itself.
Try to lower the spec value, give it a beige color and maybe a wood texture.
You could also set a very small clouds texture to the nor channel and/or render the image with ambient occlusion.

Except for the odd leg protrusions as mentioned above, looks good. Now, after fixing those legs, you need to apply a UV map and add a wood texture. Or not. Set in the right (non-photo-real) environment it could be fine.

Yes, and very delicious chocolate, too. Check this out.. And save your chocolate settings in case somebody else needs a good chocolate texture.:wink:

A coffee table made out of chocolate, lol. Maybe it’s coffee flavored…