Hey guys, I’m pretty new to this blender thing, and I’ve been looking arround for others “lag” when sculpting, didin’t find much.
My question is when I’m using dynatopo, but this isn’t using much of my pc mem/cpu/gpu and it still lags, is this normal? Given that I’m new to this sculpting thing maybe I’m just putting too many details but just wanted to know for sure. Does the number of tris affect the lag?
Also not sure the difference between colapse edges, subdivide and subdivide colapse, i thought they had a performance difference but sometimes they don’t.
Sorry if this too much of a noob question. I tried using both 2.79 and 2.8 more or less the same result maybe i’m doing something wrong.
In regards to the question in the title, yes of course pc specs affect the operational performance. In terms of this lag you mentioned it could be many things, a bit more detail would be useful.
You say that it isn’t using your system resources much, but there might be cpu or gpu usage spikes, rather than looking at the averaged values instead looking at the peaks and valleys of the utilization chart would be much more useful.
What is your poly count? Note that Dyntopo will lag at high poly count, with my low spec pc i got lag at about 300k-500K, over 500K it is unusable. So the workflow will be: sketch something with dyntopo ( put only secondary details) then retopo, after that use multires for fine details.
Thanks for the reply, I think my problem comes when I use a big brush, both grab and for example clay strips get slow to unusable when my brush is the size of my mesh (testing on a cube subdivided x2)
On the numbers, 200k tris and over start showing the problem consistently.
Thanks for the answer. It’s probably my lack of knowledge on the software as previous replies show.
Blender crashes don’t prompt anything right?
It happened four times now, only while either using dynatopo or turning it on/off. But can’t find anything clear to repeat it.
Just in case someone smarter than me tries to replicate the error is Cube (x2 subdivided, applied)
50(points?) Constant detail. And just brush and smooth away turn on and off until it crashes.
Once aigan, can’t replicate it, just luck I guess. Sidenote, the gpu(task manager) pikes on crashes.
The weird thing, i accidentally put 6 million tris on the cube and after it loaded for a while it didin’t crash, just slowed down. A lot.
it happens because you have too much detail in your brush while enabling dyntopo i bet your CPU unable to handle such massive computation.When doing sculpt in blender It does not realy matter if you have potato graphic card all You need is a powerful multicored CPU.
btw here are my potato specs : AMD APU, Gtx 950 low profile,8gigs memory, ubuntu linux LTS and i do sculpt regularly everything is fine until 1 million+ poly xD
i would like to write more but my english rly sucks these days so …
Ohh my english also sucks, fellow… ehh what’s the word?
Yeah Dynatopo is kinda hard hitting on the frames sadly, I’ve been using the sculpting branch Pablo Dobarro is developing with the remeshing thing. Works better with that workflow, still crashes often tho.
Basically I’m a noob.
You said it lags when using sculpting. Are you using linux. There is a set of linux kernels that cause problems with the pen tablet. And also the mouse. It will stall and lag when tryingn to sculpt or draw in krita. You need the later 5.0 kernel.
Use more cores and faster cores will make blender sulpting work better. I’ve seen the source code and it does take advantage of multi core processing when sculpting. Single core speed does matter for sculpting. You might have to turn on the multi core settings with a commandine. In 2.8 you can find the multi core settings in the UI. 2.79 still is not doing it from reading tech on the internet.
hi,i think i have found a new trick to tackles such a lag in dynatopo.You dont have to enabled dynatopo all the time but you just enable it at certain time such as when you need to increase mesh resolution.